CliffHigh WebBot Remote Viewing Predicted ET Disclosure- and "HIVE CONTROL" Info / Entertainment Transmitted to Masses + I Believe instead of Trump on JoeRogan to disclose Epstein & ETs he'll go on Kerry Kassidy Project Camelot to Disclose BIDEN PEDO + ET

So this VIDEO I saw on showed Cliff High and his Friend PREDICTING MONTHS Before Israeli Space Chief disclosing ETs, that TRUMP would come on a Joe Rogan style interview podcast and disclose ETs


They drew this remote Viewing Diagram of HIVE CONTROL and i Know the guy knows Bitcoin, predicts BTC and crypto prices all the time BUT .... I dont knwo if he posst on HIVE ... its like he is predicting something I SEE COMING TOGETHER which is an INTERVIEW of @barbararedgate sister of general Michael Flynn (Trumps National Security Advisor) and then, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower AND Donald trump who I KNOW will be Honored to have Laura on, Eisenhower's GREAT GRAND daughter who has been talking about ETs for years. Well now is the big moment, we own it. KERRY KASSIDY is where this REMOTE VIEWING Trump ET Disclosure Interview will happen!

(They will also reveal all the Epstein Hunter Biden Obama evidence as well. Maybe that can be first and then ETs to cheer everyone up. They were just waiting for platforms that would allow them to host all the evidence so the American people and world can see, without the classic strategic cover up censorship that has been suppressing ET UFo and Free-er Energy tech for decades. Well Game Over we have HIVE EOSIO Telos IPFS Telegram and blockchain tech


See how they PREDICTED this interview that is coming with @projectcamelot ? We will get @barbararedgate on @projectcamelot to discuss her Brother and her own story and how I got her on Steem (Now Hive) years ago

then, Flynn comes on @projectcamelot to discuss his ordeal and censorship of the big tech and his digital soldiers

THEN TRUMP comes on @projectcamelot with Eisenhower's Great Grand Daughter as the Opener, she introducers Trump, they have a brief beautiful moment meeting and talking and then kerry has the talk, big big talk and THEN trump can go on Joe Rogan Spotify etc with Alex Jones around the Fire at night to give the world the fireside primal chat we all needed.


That is the Grand Plan I just remote Viewed for ET Disclosure via project Camelot

Come chat with Kerry and Friends on Telegram!




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