
A Guide To Understanding Natural Medicine in 2020 by newworldfreedom - Chapter 1 of 52

Project I'm working on now [Image source: myself & design team]

Chapter 1: Introduction

I’m writing A Guide To Understanding Natural Medicine in 2020 specifically for the Hive Community, the PeakD Community, the Blockchain Social Media Community but most importantly The Human Community. Shout out back to @naturalmedicine group!

This is the first time I'm writing on a crypto social media platform. I’m writing about natural medicine and human health because I think it’s important for every human on the planet to know this. Because the fact that humans need to know about human health sounds logical to me. From about the age of 5 I think, we should all know these important things, i felt stupid learning these things at age of 32, 4 years ago. It’s very important to know because nutrition or food intake is heavily linked to most diseases by study and is highly visible by charts. Your health, your concentration and your feeling of well-being heavily depends on your food intake or nutrition.

For medicine, we need the medicine our ancestors used, which is found in our natural environment. I think 'bio-active molecules' is also a correct description word.

It’s also the first time I have a financial incentive to write, until my recent block on Facebook, I used to write on my wall and share it on various groups around the world and I commented on many official , mainly specific to natural medicine and world events. Writing on Hive & PeakD is really different because of the financial incentive for good writing original content. I think this is beneficial to get accurate information, it makes you think twice. If you have a bad day and your on Facebook, you might not care too much to give a positive answer. I think the same principle applies to why the free-market works. I love it! Let's see how this goes... if I'm able to find support for this project I will give you a clear view of natural medicine with amazing unique content, I'll organize interviews with doctors and patients, modern and traditional doctors, I'll show you an inside view of thriving markets in Asia where traditional human medicine is still widely used and I'll show you a lot of other cool scientific stuff, I'll research another 10.000 studies if I have to, I'll build actual products to promote Hive, PeakD and try to bring as many new users as possible to the Hive and PeakD community!

Project I'm working on now [Image source: myself]

Product sponsored by &
--Make it real!--

Make it real!

By building actual product and doing actual products you make cryptocurrency real. That's exactly how banking works. Only now, the people are doing it themselves, that's what I like the most about crypto currency.

But we need to make it real, otherwise it won't work, imagine 8 billion people trying to make money on crypto currency alone... it just won't work without major problems and extreme inefficiency leading to ridiculousness.

Just like we see in the West today, too much fake stock market money! Skyrocketed real estate prices based on fake money?! That will have the effect that the common man will have to work until he dies basically.

Did you know that the amount of fake stock market money exceeds all physical money, psychical gold and silver put together about 5 times. Those people who own this fake money can never cash out, but they can buy everything up, including entire countries.

It's like somebody build a monopoly game and buy everything in the real world. That's called fraud in my opinion and it's highly against the free market!

I've heard talk of 'the elite' saying 'the new world will be a better place for it's survivors'

My reply: If you failed in this world, what makes you think you will succeed in the new world?.

I’m going to write about natural medicine in the exact way I've learned about natural medicine, one might say that it's an IT guys view on the subject, by using the mega databases of our time, checking user rating and using various other internet tools to find the right facts and to understand what's going on. I will include solid references and of course image sources. Like I've said before, the N.W.F. starts with a clear mind.

I'm not going to keep word count in mind, it needs to be complete and accurate, I'm not going to plan the release dates although every week sounds very cool to me as I'm doing 52 chapters and that makes one year exactly. The final 8 chapters are still to be determined.

I really like check-able facts, things you can simply see with the eyes.

Quote from myself...

"Sometimes we need only use our eyes to see the truth, no intelligence or IQ required",

Because the brain is easier to fool than the eyes I'm sure. I always invite anybody to correct me if I'm wrong, with relevant facts I hope. I prefer to learn then to be right all the time and to be wrong simultaneously. First and most importantly I’m also going to write about the people and the science that inspired me, divided into 52 chapters >>

52 Chapters:

Bio-active medicine Image source

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Founder Of Western Medicine: Hippocrates
Chapter 3: World Infamous And Modern-day Canadian: Hero Rick Simpson
Chapter 4: The Best Of The Best: ‘Dr Sebi aka Alfredo Bowman’
Chapter 5: Our Medical World
Chapter 6: Nutrition: What Do Our Cells Need?
Chapter 7: A Vision For A New Medical World
Chapter 8: The Fuel Of The Human Engine
Chapter 9: On A Cellular Level: The Human Cells
Chapter 10: Bio Active Molecules: Herbs
Chapter 11: TWM: Traditional Western Medicine
Chapter 12: TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chapter 13 TKM: Traditional Khmer Medicine / Traditional Cambodian Medicine
Chapter 14: German Nobel Prize Winner: Dr Otto Warburg
Chapter 15: American Double Nobel Prize Winner: Dr Linus Pauling
Chapter 16: Chinese Dr Richard Cheng Corona Treatment
Chapter 17: American Dr Andrew G. Werber Corona Treatment
Chapter 18: Press Conference of America's Frontline Doctors (Corona/Covid-19)
Chapter 19: Introducing Dutch Hero Rinus Beintema and his foundation Suver Nuver
Chapter 20: Who is Dr Stella Immanuel?
Chapter 21: Introducing Irish Professor & Viral Researcher Dolores Cahill
Chapter 22: Viral Diseases
Chapter 23: Pharmaceutical drugs
Chapter 24: The Corona Deception
Chapter 25: Western Studies
Chapter 26: Electric Food
Chapter 27: H2O: Water
Chapter 28: Power of Fruit
Chapter 29: Power of Vegetables
Chapter 30: The Powers Of Sea Algae-Medicine
Chapter 31: The Applications Of Leaf-Medicine
Chapter 32: Herbal Teas
Chapter 33: Grains
Chapter 34: Nuts & Seeds
Chapter 35: Essential Oils
Chapter 36: Berries
Chapter 37: Hybrid foods
Chapter 38: Pesticides
Chapter 39: Production food
Chapter 40: Foods to avoid for human healing
Chapter 41: Sun Power
Chapter 42: Exercise
Chapter 43: Our Home Planet Earth: Polluted
Chapter 44: Concentration
Chapter 52: Conclusion

NWF: Micheal Collins

Link to the Michael Collins speech hosted on Youtube >>
Michael Collins 1890-1922 Image source

For whatever reason if I'm not able to finish this digital book I’m writing, will you finish it? Will all of you write thousands of different versions about the topics I’ve mentioned and share them with other people around the world on every platform? Just the chapters are enough for any thinking man to find out the facts.

"They can jail us. They can shoot us. They can even conscript us. They can use us as cannon fodder in the sod.

But -- But we have a weapon more powerful than any in the whole arsenal of their British Empire -- and that weapon is our refusal. Our refusal to bow to any order but our own, any institution but our own.

[pointing to the police]

Our friends in the Royal Irish Constabulary would like to shut me up. Oh yes, jail me again, shoot me, who knows? And I'd like you to send them a message. If they shut me up, who'll take my place?

[Crowd: I will!]

Who's going to take my place?

[Crowd: I will!]

I can't hear you. Who'll take my place?! Will they shut you up?!!"

Source: Speech from 1996 Micheal Collins movie. Based on a true story.

Pay It Forward Guys!

Pay It Forward (2000) Image source

Who Am I?

I’m just an IT guy who Googled too much but I'm human so that alone should be enough for you to check the facts at least. I’ve gone through about 20.000 scientific studies, articles, conversations but most importantly I have used many tools of our time. I personally care about the facts and not the who too much. I challenge any man or woman to prove me wrong with check-able and relevant facts to the subject and the context of the subject.

It's my strong opinion that excellent human health betters all of humanity, healthy humans means healthy brains, in turn it also means healthier decisions and a healthier planet. Please do let me know if you see any mistakes on my posts, like I said before I prefer to learn. I should be posting chapters every so often and have it all completed within a year. I'll do more solid research and triple check the facts.

I will be on this subject until natural human medicine or real human methodology is back at our doctors office. I've had enough of this alternative form of stock market medicine we have been seeing since 1910.

Hope you have enjoyed reading the introduction of A Guide To Understanding Natural Medicine in 2020 and now on to Chapter 2: The Founder Of Western medicine Hippocrates!

Image source

The Hippocratic Oath Image source

A Guide To Understanding Natural Medicine in 2020 by newworldfreedom - Chapter 1 of 52

This is a cross post of @newworldfreedom/a-guide-to-understanding-natural-medicine-in-2020-chapter-1-of-52 by @newworldfreedom.


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