The Making of my Magickal Zine

My last post in the Magickal community was a list favorite enchanted zines read this past year. Those booklets, along with my writing here on Hive has inspired me to finally get around to finishing a magical zine of my very own!


This wheel of the year has been very productive as far as writing goes both online and off. The votes I get on my posts has boosted my confidence as a writer and content creator and the comments from readers makes me feel like the content I share here about witchcraft, herbalism, and art is desired. After years of going nowhere with apps like Instagram, the support from the Hive community is truly heartwarming.


And then there are days when the power is out, the internet is down, and I find myself wishing that I had more physical material to read. And also there are times when I meet a new friend or strike up a conversation with a stranger and wish I had some physical representation of my writing & art to give them.

So I decided to collect a few of my favorite pieces I have written both as Calendula Craft and as my previous username Libra.Gardener and extend those articles into a handwritten, collage zine!


This isn't the first zine I have created, in fact since adolescents I have been an avid reader and creator of zines. But, somehow, I got a little blocked off from my writing and visual arts in the past couple of years. I suppose I have been focusing on sewing, herbalism, and my day job but it wasn't until this last scorio season that I felt the message bubbling up that needed to be written into a booklet format.


And here it is! Some of the photos you may have seen before on this very (Magick) community. As I mentioned above this zine is an extension of those articles; handwritten instead of typed and expanded upon. The mission of this zine is to give a fun and practical look into some of the practices of a green witch, no conjuring of spirits nor leaving offerings at the cross roads. Personally I do neither of those things and rather use my witchcraft as a way to create beautiful gifts for myself and others with the ingredients that Earth so graciously shares with us.


I am so proud of how this zine turned out and would like to share it with the world -- if you are interested in picking up a copy you can purchase one through my Etsy Shop. Otherwise, I simply thank you for your votes, comments, and support, all of which have been hugely encouraging in my writing and artistic work. Thank you and Happy New Year!

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