Seasonal Enchantment ~ memorializing spring with a bouquet


The morning of the solstice I spent saying goodbye to the energy of Spring. In between my celebratory preparations I went out to harvest a handful of daisies before noon. Some of those flowers I added to a solstice bouquet which decorated the table of our solstice feast of pizza and salad. The others I set out in a flat basket to dry.

-- A Note about Daisies : There are a few different flowers that are commonly called daisies, while some are medicinal these particular flowers in this post are Chrysanthemum leucanthemum and are not to be eaten. I appreciate their symbolism and magick but do not consume them nor use them in teas.--


Later on I took the bouquet out of its vase and hung it upside down to dry. Bouquets collected on the summer solstice, it is said, bring good luck and protection throughout the year. I will hang it above our front door or in my apothecary.


We have had a long season of daisies but even so I have only managed to collect one jarful. I like to collect flowers intended for magic on magical days; Friday for their association with Venus, or Sunday due to their association with the Sun. The solstice was ideal, it landed on a Friday and I picked the daisies just as the Sun was reaching solar noon.


The dried daisies I use to add to spell bags, to decorate product photos, and I even tuck them into envelopes with letters for pen pals. Daisies represent the feeling of spring, new beginnings, inspiration and a fresh perspective. As they are associate with Venus they are tied to relationships with others, friendships and of course romance too.

And as a sun-flower (a flower that open upon sunrise then closes all night) they are of course quite solar. Personally, daises represent a whole hearted acceptance of self and embracing one's inner child without shame and without fear. Daisies can be the perfect amulet for embarking on a new creative project, or even a new romance or friendship.


For all these reasons I adore daisies and find their season to be one full of inspiration and as a result have initiated a number of new artistic projects. Now that we have officially entered into summer you will find me out most mornings collecting these last blooms of daisies and drying them for future magic.

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