Squabble over breakfast

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"Morning babe" Osas greeted her husband, stepping into the kitchen already dressed for work. Her shoe heels clacked in rhythmic beat against the tiled kitchen floor, sending a soft echo all through the large kitchen. She dropped her handbags at the dining table and sat down.

"Morning" James mumbled over his breath, standing by the coffee pot, trying to make breakfast. He watched as the coffee pot hissed loudly like an opera singer trying to hit a high note. He quickly turned it off and put the coffee pot down.

He poured two cups of coffee and placed one before his wife and one on the other side of the table for himself. He picked up two plates of already toasted bread and pushed one to his wife. Then he pulled himself a seat and sat down. There was worry written all over his face.

“Thank you” he wife said, as she quickly dug into the bread first.

James watched her a while before taking a bite of his bread and a quick sip at the hot coffee, shut his eyes hard, and shook his head twice as the hot liquid burnt his throat. He then set down his cup and watched as curly steams escaped from it, he leaned back in his chair and looked straight at his wife

"We need to talk Osas," he said

"What about?" Osas asked, avoiding his gaze. Gently blowing and sipping on the hot coffee.

James paused, wondering why she asked that question like nothing was wrong. "About last night" he answered, trying to keep a straight face and at the same time not escalate the issue at hand.

"I told you already that it has not been finalised. It's still a big 'if', that is why I didn't tell you" she barked, taking another sip. This time it burnt her tongue as she coughed and fanned her mouth with her hands. She put down her coffee cup

"Still you should have let me know" James returned the rage.

"Come on babe"

"What?! My wife is getting a big promotion that might require her to leave for another city that's not Calif. And you think I should not have known?" James barked, tensions getting higher.

He took a deep breath trying hard to control his emotions. For some seconds nobody talked apart from the wall clock that ticked loudly, like background music to an unfolding story.

He looked at his wife again, slight wrinkles were gradually forming on her face. A sign she was hiding something.
"Did you even stop to think about how this might affect us?" He broke the silence

"I'm sorry. I messed up, I should have told you." she apologized, stirring her coffee with a spoon. Her heart beating loudly, she wondered if James could hear them.

"So what now?" James asked, he ran his hands around the rim of his cup. He loved his wife and wished she could see through him to know that, but recently it felt like she was punishing him for something he couldn't tell

Osas sucked her teeth "I think we just need time to process this. Besides, I said earlier it's still an 'if', like fifty-fifty. It might not even happen"

James focused his stare at his wife like he could mirror her thoughts, eyes red with rage, hands shaking
"It's happened already, but you're hiding it? Why are you lying to me?" James barked.

Osas leaned forward "How do you know that? You don't know that" she fired back.

"I know because Caleb, your boss, told me,” he paused "congratulated me at the party yesterday," he corrected himself.

"Oh God!" Osas cried. "Caleb why? I should be the one telling you" she murmured. Pangs of guilt and shame bit deep into her.

“But you didn't,” James countered.

“I was going to tell you” She defended


"At the right time. I'm so sorry"

There was silence again, the kitchen clock not forgetting to give the background some rhythm. Then James took a deep breath, stood up, walked to the kitchen sink, bent over it and washed his face. He was getting hot and it wasn't even afternoon yet.

"You've been shutting me out lately. Lying to me. What's it? Did I do something wrong?" He asked in a soft voice with worry.

"No, no honey. Don't think like that" Osas quickly got up, walked to her husband and hugged him from behind. "I just couldn't handle your reaction, this reaction. And the thought of leaving you and the kids behind in Calif is killing me. I was waiting for the right time. l to discuss it with you. Maybe I'll reject the promotion" she explained

"No. You'll do no such thing. This is what you've always wanted." James turned, grabbed his wife's face and gave her a forehead kiss. "We'll figure it out, together. But next time, no more holding back."

Osas hugged him back tighter this time. "Okay and I'm sorry", she apologised. "I truly am"

They stood there, glued to each other's body. Swaying from left to right. The wall clock ticked away.

Osas's phone rang and she untangled herself from her husband's grasp to take it. On the other end was Caleb.

"Hey Osas, I've thought about what you told me and I laid it out to the board members. They agreed you head the operations here, while we find a suitable person for the other state. So congratulations as our new head of operations here in Calif" the phone beeped.

"Yes!" She jumped with joy.

"What?" James asked with questions in his eyes.

"I'm no longer going to Calif. I will be heading the operations here" she answered with joy on her face.

"Congratulations babe. I guess it's sorted itself out after all" James exclaimed.

They hugged again. This time with relief on their faces.

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