Winning, Losing, and Breaking Even

"I just had the best haul ever at Walt's poker game. I'll bet you can't guess what I won tonight, Stan!"

"I probably never could, in a million years. But it better not need to be fed, Stella..."

"Oh, come on! That horse was the most valuable thing I ever won. He paid the rent for this place for a good six months, if a day."

"Sure, once you found a buyer. Until then, he threatened to eat us out of house and home."

"Well you don't have to worry about this. Cars don't have to be fed."

Stan stood up, and slowly walked over to the window. After looking at the street below for several seconds, he stared at his wife, eyes wide. "The black Cadillac? It's the only one I don't recognize."

She smiled, a look of pride settling onto her smooth features. "That's the one. I think I'd fancy keeping it a while. Maybe use it to go to the Mayor's Gala next month."

His face fell, just a little. "It must be worth a small fortune! Shouldn't we cash out while we can?"

Stella's eyes narrowed, and she slunk over in a predatory manner. "Exactly what are you saying, Stan? Do you think I would do anything to risk tonight's winnings?"

His face reddened, and he gulped. "That's not what I meant, Dear. I just thought maybe we should sell it right away, cars become less valuable over time."

She stared hard, unconvinced. "It's only a month. I'm sure we can keep it in fine shape for that long."

He nodded, forcing a smile.

As time passed, both Stan and Stella became accustomed to the luxury car - and the admiring looks which they received each time they took it out.

Three days before the biggest bash of the year, Stan carefully examined his best shoes. "I must say, I'm looking forward to the Mayor's Gala this year, Stella."

She nodded, her every move oozing with satisfaction. "I told you. Maybe we should just go ahead and keep it, there's no reason we have to decide right away."

Stan rubbed his chin. "I guess you're right. It's not like it's going anywhere, and the upkeep isn't more than we can handle..."

Stella didn't say anything, but her confident smile as she prepared for her weekly game at Walt's spoke volumes.

She won several small games, then gasped when Jason Le Fleure, the owner of the most exclusive restaurant in town, added a thick stack of gift certificates to the pot.

He beamed at the reactions of the other participants. "This represents three hundred meals at Le Fleure's. No reservations necessary, the holder is entitled to walk in and claim the specially reserved table."

The pot quickly outgrew Stella's budget. Greed had taken a firm root, however. After she looked at her hand one last time, she added the car keys to the pot.

Le Fleure was still gushing over his contribution, seemingly uninterested in the game itself. Until everyone else placed their bets.

Then without so much as batting an eye, he laid out a Royal Flush. The stunned faces caused him to shrug, as he collected his winnings.

Stella slapped her right hand over the keys, as fast as a viper might strike its prey. "One more round," she purred.

The other participants didn't express any interest in losing more, but Le Fleure gave her a patronizing smile. "What do you have in mind?"

Stella smiled grimly. "If I lose, I'll provide free janitorial services to your restaurant for a year. If I win, I walk out with the keys."

He smiled warmly, and withdrew his hand from the center of the table. "Agreed!"

Once the cards were dealt, Le Fleure began to sweat. His stony expression didn't change, but his face was rapidly becoming cherry red.

Stella, never one to play unnecessary mind games, simply set down her cards. "Not quite your Royal Flush, but I'll wager it'll beat whatever you have this time."

Le Fleure's shoulders slumped, and the fight drained from him as he revealed the worst hand anyone had seen in weeks.

Stan smiled and looked up from his computer when Stella walked in. "Let me guess, you'll be wearing the Hope Diamond to the Gala?"

She shook her head, but kept a perfect poker face. "Not this year, Honey. I only managed to break even this week."

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