What Do You Want In Life?

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"Cardan, the real question is, what do you want in life?" asked the shimmering mist.

"Zele, I want happiness." firmly repeated the tall young man.

"Yes, that's what every living being since the beginning of time has sought. I need something more specific. I hold the power to grant almost any wish. But eternal life and bringing back the dead are not within my ability. And I can't cause you to be happy for no reason." explained Zele.

"I just don't know yet. Your promise was to come here once every fifty years, to grant the wishes of the next generation of my family. But I am not ready to make my decision. Could you please come back in one year?" pleaded the youth.

"I would, but that is not within my power. I am only able to pass through the gates between our worlds when the conditions are right. And I can't exist here for more than a few days."

Cardan again went through the list of what had already been granted to him, through the wishes of his ancestors. Each had wisely bestowed their wish to apply to future descendants as well. Long life. Good health. The intelligence necessary to prosper. The ability to love well. Wisdom. Two hundred and fifty years worth of wishes.

"What can I possibly add?" he thought to himself. And then it came to him.

"Zele, I wish for the ability to help anyone who is in need. This wish is for myself, and all of those of my blood. Both present and future."

"Cardan, this would be a waste of a wish. Every sentient being already has this ability." counseled the ancient and powerful entity.

Frustrated, Cardan cradled his head in his hands. "What else is there?" he asked himself. Then he remembered something that his grandfather had told him while gentling a colt.

"Cardan, I had all of the knowledge I needed to gentle horses before I was your age. But I only acquired the patience to do it well when I was too old to do it well." the old man had said, chuckling.

"I wish for patience. This wish is for myself, and all of those of my blood. Both present and future." Cardan announced, triumphant.

"Granted!" replied Zele, obviously pleased.

Suddenly a great calm came over the impatient young man. As he thanked Zele, he realized that he truly did have everything. A full life, with many blessings awaited him.

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