The Crystallairaze - Word Prompts Temptation And Misdirection


"It's mine, Carl. It disappeared from Grandpa Ben's house fifteen years ago during a party. There was a fire in the tool shed, and everyone ran out to extinguish it. Pizer wasn't out there, and was gone by the time everyone was settled. So was the Crystallairaze. It was obvious who took it, but there wasn't any proof."

"Lena, we know the Crystallairaze will be on display at Pizer's house, on June 14th. He wants to give his fat cat friends a peek. Let's call the authorities." Carl suggested.

"I need it back, fast. And I don't want a legal battle, which he is likely to win. He's got all the corrupt politicians in his pocket. Even if I did get lucky, it might not be in time... You are my only hope!" she said, tears filling her eyes.

"How can a big diamond cure cancer? I want to help your Aunt Cleo, but this seems like a long shot." said Lena's fiance.

"It's helped our family for three generations. Any family member who touched it to a relative, sending out thoughts of healing, has successfully worked a miracle. I'll tell you more about the Crystallairaze one day, then you'll understand." she replied, convinced.

"I'll do it..." he said reluctantly.

Lena lunged, which sent him toppling over onto the couch. "Oh, thank you! My brave hero!" she exclaimed, as she smothered him with kisses.

June 14th

"Escargot?" asked Lena. she was dressed in an attractive caterer's uniform. The skirt was high, and the neckline low. "No thank you, Miss." replied an elderly man, whose eyes didn't quite make it high enough to see her face, which was heavily disguised with makeup.

She circulated through the room. Carl would be waiting just outside of the estate. Once she made her move, it would be easy for him to slip in unseen. Smiling, she thought to herself "Nothing could be more appropriate."

Lena went back to the kitchen, presumably to refill her tray. She looked around, and nobody was paying her the least bit of attention. Casually walking towards the back exit, she prominently displayed a pack of cigarettes.

Outside, she donned a thin ski mask, and sprinted towards the guesthouse. "That should do it!" Lena whispered, watching as sparks flew from the frayed wire leading into the house.

She then sprinted back to the main house, removing the ski mask before she calmly reentered. She quietly refilled her tray, and rejoined the party.

"What's that?" a guest asked about an hour later. He was looking out the window, towards the guest house.

Soon a crowd had gathered, and a woman shrieked "that's a fire!" Lena took that as her cue, and hid behind an oversized sofa. Seconds later, the room was empty. She ventured out, putting on her ski mask and skintight gloves.

Carl had managed to slip in unseen, when the gate was opened for the firetrucks. "Let's get this over with!" he exclaimed, already sweating from the stress.

Lena located the security room easily. From there, she disabled the lock on the gallery. Then she stopped the recording on the security cameras, and wiped everything from that night. "Ready." she spoke into a walkie talkie.

Carl entered the gallery, and gasped. Not only did Pizer have the Crystallairaze, he had dozens of treasures. One in particular caught his eye. The Victory, a painting which had been stolen from the Brightville Museum, over a decade ago! And tucked in a corner was a small aluminum suitcase. Curious, he opened it. Inside was more money than he had ever seen.

"I could right another wrong tonight too, and return the painting anonymously. And walk out with enough money to start off our new life properly! I know I only came to help save Aunt Cleo, but this is something nobody could be expected to pass up, right? That money is probably destined to go to an art thief, so it's not really stealing is it?" he debated with himself furiously.

"What's wrong? Hurry up!" a voice hissed through his walkie talkie.

That spurred him into action. He gently tore the painting from the frame, and rolled it up. Then he carefully lifted the glass covering the Crystallairaze, and removed it. He put both in the suitcase, and made his retreat.

As agreed, the two met by the door. "Let's hope they left the gate open." said Carl.

Unfortunately, their luck didn't hold, and it was closed. The guard was busy on his phone, but it was too high to risk. He could look up at any time.

"I hear a motor." whispered Lena. Soon, a patrol car came into view.

"Hello, officer." Greeted the guard.

"Now!!!" hissed Carl, crawling as fast as possible, as the officer and guard exchanged pleasantries. It was difficult keeping the suitcase from scraping on the ground, he had to do a very painful one handed hop while holding it to his chest.

Safely back in the car, Carl breathed a sigh of relief. Minutes later, they were back in Lena's house. "Carl, I've been meaning to ask... What's with the suitcase? The Crystallairaze isn't that big, from what I remember?" she asked curiously.

"I brought some surprises. Have a look!" he replied, grinning. He proudly opened the suitcase.

Lena frowned. "What have you done?" she asked, obviously disappointed.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Carl closed the suitcase, and shoved it under the couch.

Lena answered the door. "Hello, Ma'am." said an officer.

"I believe you have something that belongs to me..." said an elderly man as he stepped into view, holding an object that looked remarkably like a tracking device.

"What..." said Carl, his mouth wide open.

"I've always said, temptation and misdirection are the best security one can have..." grinned the old man, an evil glint lighting his eyes.

981 Words

Crystallairaze is my own original fractal artwork, edited in Gimp. Text is from Gimp.

This story is for The Inkwell prompt, as well as #pob-wotw

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