Sedgwick the Time Meddler

"Must you keep visiting yesterday, Sedgwick? One day you're going to break something. Then there won't be any tomorrow - or today, for that matter."

Sedgwick furrowed his brow, then grinned. "You worry too much Newton, I'm always careful."

Newton snorted. "Ha! You couldn't be careful if you had a caution sign hanging around your neck. Besides, the Time Tornado isn't a toy. It's only to be used to combat abuse of the timeline. What you did last week just so you could see the Superbowl live, for example. I should have reported you."

Sedgwick's eyes widened. "You think I did that just so I wouldn't miss a game? I stopped the accident that caused the traffic jam so Mr. Port wouldn't receive that awful whiplash. Who knows what effect that might have had on his future health."

Newton shook his head. "Even if I believed you, we are only authorized to use time travel to combat abuse. And in special cases to avoid major catastrophes in the recent past. Anything else is strictly forbidden, and punishable by law."

Sedgwick looked at his shoes. "Well it was a catastrophe to Mr. Port."

Newton walked over to the huge clear tube, and gazed at the swirling mass within. "I'm guessing you didn't get clearance prior to departure? As you know, any mission other than combating timeline abuse must be approved by the STTC before any action is taken."

Sedgwick paled, and sank into a chair. "You've got me there. Are you going to turn me in?"

Newton ran his hands through his hair. "I don't want to... we've been friends since we met in the LCU parking lot. I'll never forget that day. You hit me with that monstrosity you call a car while staring at some girl on the sidewalk."

Sedgwick blushed. "She wasn't just some girl, she was a sophomore in a tight tank top and thong! And I did take you to the hospital."

Newton chuckled, but only for a second. "We've had some good times. The last thing I'd ever want is to see you spend eternity in a cryo-bed. But if you keep this up, I'll have no choice but to turn you in. Otherwise when you're caught - and eventually you will be - I'll be charged as an accessory."

Sedgwick nodded. "You're right. It's not worth the risk, I'll never go back in time again except on official business. You have my word."

Newton relaxed, and let out a deep sigh. "Thank you, that's all I needed to hear. Despite your many faults, I know you're a man of your word."

Sedgwick looked longingly at the Time Tornado. "Oh well, it was fun while it lasted."

Newton began to gather his things. "I'm going to sign out early today. I trust that any lingering records of your little adventures will be wiped before morning?"

Sedgwick nodded, but remained silent.

Newton walked over to him, and rested his hand on his friend's shoulder. "I know it's no fun acting your age. But you're going to be a dad any day now. You've got to make sure you're there for your son."

Sedgwick grinned, his eyes twinkling. "I plan to be there for everything. But when he gets old enough to go on adventures, I can't promise I'll always act my age."

Newton laughed. Sedgwick Junior... the world isn't ready for two of you!"

Sedgwick pulled out his phone. "These are the most recent pictures. I can't wait until he's born, so I can hold him! His name is Paul, after my dad."

Newton smiled. "Congratulations, I'm really happy for you."

After he left, Sedgwick continued to look at the pictures. "I feel like I've been waiting forever to meet him. There's no way I can wait even one more day."

He looked at the Time Tornado. "Say, why didn't I ever think of taking a trip to the future? I guess I still could... one last time. I didn't say anything about not going forward in time, after all."

Cover image made in Canva Pro using their gallery

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