The object that got my stepfather angry

The object that got my stepfather angry.

I am aware that this is both very humorous and a stupid thing to do, but it does happen occasionally. You are aware that occasionally you might be hunting for one of your possessions, like a waist belt. It is really vital to you right now, therefore despite your best efforts, you were unable to locate it. You are aware of the attitude you adopt towards it. I want to share with you a tale about my stepfather. It happened a long time ago, and I realized that I should share the amusing tale with the wonderful people in the inkwell community.

It was 6 years ago when my beautiful family and I traveled to the village to celebrate with them because it was the festival period .we were all pleased to pay my mummy visit because it had been long we did that kind of thin, I don't like traveling or going to party like that, but that time I was force to go by my wife because she made a point on something that made me pick the interest of going to pay a visit.

Me: baby, why must I travel, I don't like to travel, and you know that?
Wife: I know dear, but please you have to travel this time because all the blame is still going to be on me when the time comes for this discussion. Many believe that women are the reason many men do not attend to their parents or even pay them a visit.
Me:I looked at what she had said, and I said wow!!! This woman is full of wisdom. I was amazed with the way she communicated this to me, I had no option but to comply with the advice she gave me.

The day to finally move came, and we got prepared of all the things we needed to carry along.My place is not too far from Lagos, I am from Oyo state.
We finally got there and when my parents saw us they were delighted to see my family and me. We were happy to see them was on Saturday that we got to their place.The following day was Sunday, and we all had to get prepared for church. Everyone was ready for church and the only thing that was delaying was the belt my stepfather was looking for.the funniest was that, everyone in the house was looking for the belt too because we were all running late for was very annoying to us all.


Me: sir, when last you made use of the belt, where did you drop it?
Stepfather: I dropped it here, he was pointing at the table, where he normally drops his things, but the belt wasn't there at all, it was really crazy.
Me: sir, you have to look for another dress to wear because we are running late, you know how fathers used to do when they so much wanted to wear a particular cloth.
Stepfather : He answered me with, what is wrong with this belt of a thing? He was very mad and angry.We had to leave him behind and go to church because we were already late. As is my custom, I don't like missing church at all, so we went.

We were already coming from church when we heard a noise of someone talking bad about an object, and we were also hearing the sound of someone flogging something.I was like who has offended my stepfather? And to our greatest surprise, he was busy flogging the belt he finally found under his bed, he was furious at the object, he was saying the object made him miss church on that day.

These were my funny experiences .
Thank you for reading my post.

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