The Mystery of the Metal Armour Statue


Life has never been easy for me as a teenager after the death of my mother, the only family I ever had, her sweet love and memories kept me through this cruel world, but still, the cold hands of death had to take her from me and force me to face the forces of life…

Mother was done before I turned thirteen and I was forcefully sent to the orphanage home. At fifteen, I left the orphanage home. Its forceful rules weren't comfortable with me, I was limited to the good things of life and had to live by the rules of the missionary orphanage home. Leaving the orphanage home was a good thing for me but then I had to experience the cruelty of life, its cruelty has made me what I'm. Some say life is beautiful. But, the world? Is cruel. Still, that doesn't change how I see life.

I had to do different jobs to survive because weakness isn't acceptable in the streets of Oklahoma.

My first job in the city of Oklahoma was as a cleaner in a grocery store. I had to clean the whole store every three hours to maintain the store's beauty and if I failed to do so, I'd be sent out. Out of the only roof I had over my head as a hustler.

As time went on, the job wasn't comfortable for me, as I started to have a taste for wildlife, because of the friends I made in the street. I was shown how to make fast money without going through much stress, but now I had to analyze the risk. The job wasn't any ordinary normal job, it was a job meant for the cold-hearted and risk-takers. It's known for its wild and dangerous scheme and that was Stealing.

I was trained on how to steal high-value items and also as an assassin. That was the life I chose to live my dream.

It was on one Saturday afternoon, as I laid on bed looking up to the ceiling of my room, pondering on what to do with my life. The thought of dropping my bad habits and starting a new life where none of my friends could locate me, not even the gang master, just as I was lost in my thoughts, I received a call. The continuous vibration of my phone sent a sudden shock to my body, making me realize its presence. Then I turned to it and accepted the call.

"Hello, Scorpion! The man that doesn't hesitate to stink its prey. Boss, I hail you!!" I spoke into the phone as I rendered my praise to him, making him feel his importance.

"That's me, my boy! Snake eyes. The master has a job for you and your team. It's a fast job. A get in and get out, but you must bring back the item you're going to steal."

"What's the location? And what am I stealing?" I asked with curiosity, while I reflected on the thought I had earlier.

"Slow down, my boy. I'll text you the location. But for the item, you're to steal 120g of gold from a vault."

"Okay, boss. I hope the getaway van will be ready for operation. "

"Sure. You're to start the operation by 12:30 AM. Snake eyes don't disappoint me."

"I won't boss," I assured him, then he ended the call. Immediately I received a text message about the location. I picked up my phone and contacted my team. Wizzy and Drain.

The location was at a Suit Making shop. And it was owned by a weapon dealer, under the protection of a royal family. We got to the location earlier than the given time but we pretended to buy a suit, using that as an advantage to scout the place, hoping to see any cameras. But there was none, except for the weird dead animal's heads placed at the wall, a full metal armor statue standing at each side of the shop holding swords, and a portrait of the shop owner hanging at the center top of the North sidewall. Then we went outside and waited for the time to start the operation.

"It's time Drain. Wizzy are you ready for this?" I asked both of them, as I put on my mask.

"Yes, Scorpion." Both of them yelled.

Slowly we approached the door in the dark, it was locked, then Wizzy brought out his tools and unlocked the door. He's known for his crafty skills of unlocking doors and other safe locks and that's why I had him for the job.

Once the door was unlocked, we quietly walked in, with our dim torch lights as our aid of visibility. The weird objects were still in their various positions. Then Wizzy located the vault and unlocked it, while Drain and I stood at the watch.

"Wizzy, what's in there?" I asked quietly like a mouse sneaking into a house.

"Boss, the package is there, and am taking them out now."

"Good. Secure the package and let's move out fast." I ordered.


Suddenly, we heard a metallic sound.

"What's that?" Drain asked as he turned to point his AK-47 into the dark, searching for what made that sound with his torchlight. As walked into the dark further, I heard a scream. Immediately Wizzy ran in my direction with the 120g of gold in his bag.

"Stay at my back and secure the bag, let me check for Drain," I ordered, as I went into the dark searching for Drain. I heard the metallic scratch on the floor like someone was dragging something hard and it was making a loud noise, drawing closer to me. I turned both sides to find what was in the dark with me, but I kept hearing that sound. Suddenly, it stopped and I held my gun tightly ready for anything that shows up.

"Who's in there? You better show yourself. Else…" I yelled, "show yourself. I dare you." As I face the exit door direction waiting for the unknown. Suddenly, I felt an unknown presence standing at my back. Now, I'm left with two choices, face it or run. But my pride won't let me do the right thing. Slowly, I turned as I placed my index finger on the trigger. But I got the shock of my life, standing before me was an empty Metal Armour Statue with a sword in its hand, as I raised my gun to pull the trigger. It knocked me out with the edge of its sword.

After a few minutes, I woke up to find myself and my team tied up, ready for the shop owner to reveal our identity. This is what I brought to myself.

The End.
Thanks for reading.

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