New opportunity | | Creative nonfiction.


It's true when they say there are always opportunities when one door closes, In 2016 when I and my husband were planning our first marriage right (Introduction) he resigned from his job at an office, though the job had many benefits to it like meeting new people daily, making friend with influential people, but the main benefit was not really okay (The salary) as he had to pay his bills from it, the money wasn't covering his expenses anymore, he was always still in debt whenever he was being paid. And because of this, he had to drop the job as he couldn't cope with the pressure anymore.

Then I had to encourage him a lot, he is the kind of person that gets too emotional about things, one time I came to visit him I met him in a very sad mood almost to the point of crying I told him

please try to encourage yourself in any way you will get a new job and I believe that one will turn out as you want.

He said

babe where do I start from again, this is like starting afresh, maybe shouldn't have stopped working, I should have managed myself till the end.

And I said

but the job was making you owe a lot of people, cause it's not meeting your needs anymore and see we are planning marriage, how would such a job sustain you?

He said

Its true I just feel so bad that I am not doing anything right now, Al the places I had submitted my resume, one one has called me

I console him further

God will open a better door of opportunity for you. Just have faith.

And so that was how we continue till we managed to do the introduction(first marriage rite) God helped us, and also because I was working, and he had some savings, and then a time came to introduce him to some parents, he is a good mathematics teacher, and he starting earning some money, this parent also referred him to their friend a too and he taught kids who were having issue in their study, at the end of the month he made more than had at his company, for this he didn't have to spend so much for transportation like his other job. At a point, he employed some other teachers who he knew were also good and there another way was opened. Though he didn't stop there, from meeting this parent he picked up the career of helping them fix their phone and that was how he took that also as a business idea, he got a small shop and started his first ever business, which he still does till date.

The doors to his office Job closed up but another was opened to him, he started his own business along the line and he never regretted anymore about stopping the old job. Even when he had lost hope about getting another decent office job, after submitting his CV everywhere, no job offer came for him, but there was another door that took patience and endurance to get through it, and he went in and prospered.

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