Always in One Accord.

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I sat down by the hot lantern under the cool night breeze, the kids were already asleep at that moment, at least I could still get some quiet time to myself I thought, just as I had thought it was going to rain, and yeah it did, making the air even colder. I had contemplated going inside to check the window if the rain was coming in that direction, but I was too lazy to get up from my sitting position, so I plugged in my earpiece and I scrolled through my song list looking for a particular song as I couldn't find it I had to go to the internet, I started by downloading a DJ mix by a particular artist I loved, I was still listening to the music when my husband ran in from the rain.

Him: Hey babe, what's up? why are you outside when it is raining?
Me: I just feel like sitting here the air is much cooler out here, did you notice?

Him: Yes it is, but hope you remembered to close up the window in the sitting room.
Me: oh no I didn't I was just too lazy, I don't think the rain will get in there

He goes inside, I was already thinking of what he was going to say if the rain eventually came in from the window, just then I heard hubby calling

Him: Babe, babe, come and see what you have done, I thought we agreed to always close this window, even though we are home because of the difficulty it has in closing it, and I know it because you didn't want to stress yourself that's why you refused to stand up from your sitting position to go close it, now the chair are wet, there's water all over the ground.
Me: But I didn't think the rain will enter, I was just enjoying the silence, but hey don't blame me, I asked you to call someone to come fix it up, why didn't you, and yes we agreed to always leave the window close but the kids were sweating and I didn't have any choice but to find an alternative to help them get refreshed.

From this point on it was one argument to the other as we were trying to blame each other on who should have done this and who should have done that, after a while of arguing, we already knew who was to blame, I told him a few days ago to call the person who would help us fix the window, but he didn't see to it and kept postponing it, and then this day came and I was too were lazy to go close it up and also because of the heat. which makes us disagree with each other, until he called the person who would come fix it, which didn't even take 30 minutes, and then I cleaned up the ground but nothing could be done to the chair at that moment we had to leave it, with the mind of getting it the sun the next day.

we disagreed that day but later came to an agreement to fix up the window, so we don't argue over little things as it wasn't worth it.

Thank you for reading.
This post is my response to the Inkwell nonfiction prompt
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