One good turn deserves another


Oliver observes the gleaming sun setting west while seated on a cliff. He could see every commercial ship arriving in the port of Piraeus from that vantage point, travelling in from far regions. As the sun sets, the sea becomes golden, making it a stunning view for the 15-year-old lad.

Oliver already makes it a habit to sit on the cliff every evening. The cliff has evolved into a memorial for him rather than just a place for him to rest. For it was on this cliff that he and his mother watched his father, who was a sailor, make his last trip before he got shipwrecked in the sea.

His mother, a weaver, was forced to put in more hours when his father passed away to care for him and pay the expenses. However, only two years after the death of his father, another tragedy occurred. The illness that swept across their community claimed many lives, including his mother. Oliver had to leave the village to come to Piraeus and search for work to sustain himself. To survive, Oliver took on odd jobs in the city's famous market, which wasn't far from the port.

One of the largest markets in the nation, the city of Piraeus was a hub of endless activity where the ebb and flow of people matched the smashing of the waves against the coast. Oliver took on odd jobs in the market to make ends meet. He would carry large items, sweep the stalls, and help the sellers in any way he could. Oliver was determined to establish a life for himself amidst the commotion and noise, even if it was hard work.

He faced challenges day by day while maintaining a good attitude. Oliver took up residence in a little cave outside the city since he couldn't afford to pay for rent in the city. It was a humble dwelling, but it sheltered him from the elements


Oliver came upon a wounded seagull one fateful day as he was walking through the market square. The wretched creature lay helpless, its wings shaking in agony. Oliver was overcome with compassion and couldn't bear to let the bird suffer. He cautiously picked it up and took it back to his cave.

Oliver cared for the seagull every day until it recovered. He fed it, attended to its injuries, and gave it a safe shelter. The bird eventually gained his trust and realized how consistently friendly he was. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and the seagull became Oliver's only companion in the vast world.

One unfortunate day, Oliver fell from a great height and broke his leg. Unable to walk, he couldn't go to the market anymore to work and fend for himself. But the seagull, sensing the situation, sprang into action. It flew to the market and began stealing bits of food, carefully bringing them back to the injured boy.

Days turned into weeks, and the seagull continued its efforts to sustain Oliver. It would snatch pieces of fruit, scraps of bread, and even fish from the market stalls, bringing them back to Oliver. The townsfolk grew curious, noticing the strange behaviour of the seagull, but they never suspected its true intentions.

One fateful night, however, the seagull's act of thievery went amiss. While in search of food, it accidentally stole a small box that belonged to a rich merchant in the market. Inside that box was a precious necklace, and it was worth a fortune. As the seagull was being pursued, it flew away with the box to Oliver's cave.

The wealthy merchant led a team of searchers to the cave, and as they got closer, the wealthy merchant was surprised to see the intense link that existed between Oliver and the seagull. He observed Oliver, who was paralyzed by his injury, being carefully fed by the seagull.

Overwhelmed by what he had witnessed, the wealthy merchant couldn't help but be moved. The wealthy merchant took it upon himself to care for Oliver. The rich man ensured that Oliver received the medical attention he needed to heal his broken leg. He offered him a warm home, nutritious meals, and an education. Oliver's life transformed, and he flourished under the rich man's guidance, discovering a world beyond the market and his humble cave.


But no matter how grand his new life became, Oliver never forgot the seagull and the incredible bond they shared. Whenever he gazed out at the open sea, he would spot a seagull soaring through the sky, a constant reminder of the one who had changed his life forever.

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