Entanglement love's story

"Hello, Damsel, can you spare me a few minutes of your time?" asked John in a friendly manner. "Of course, if you won't take too much of my time," Mary responded.

"I'm John, a 400-level student in this great department of English. I saw you last Friday when you were heading towards the school library. I wanted to say I, but I was a bit shy, as I never expected the response I could hear from you. "What is your name, and what level are you?" John agitated further.

"I'm Mary, a 200-level student in this same department; I have been seeing you around too, but you know, since we aren't classmates, we don't have things in common or that could bring us together." Mary responded.

John demanded Mary's phone number, which she delightedly gave him. Not long after the scene, both of them departed and went their way.

When John returned to his hostel that same day, he reflected on what had happened. He didn't know when he was lost in thought. " Wow! What a beautiful soul! I didn't expect her to give in so easily, and she even gave me her number. Am I dreaming or what? How many ladies have I tried to get acquaintances with on this campus who have proven abortive? I hope this won't be the last straw that breaks a camel's back of my relationship."

John picked up his phone and called Mary. She responded as if they had known each other for a very long time. "Can we meet up at the cafeteria, the one beside those big mango trees along the SUG building? If possible, tomorrow." John asked delightfully. "Yes, by 12 pm tomorrow, because I have class by 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, and it won't end until 11 a.m. Mary retorted.

When they are done conversing, John Joy knows no bounds. They met as agreed over a meal. John strikes when the iron is still hot and asks if Mary could be his girlfriend. It took some minutes before Mary responded. She said yes but insisted that John not break her heart, as she had been jetted in her previous relationships.

Their relationship started on a happy note. John did all he could to assist Mary in her assignments. There was a time when Mary faced an accommodation problem. John offered to help Mary. He made his room available and renewed the rent for her since he had only written his project.

Elated John got home on the verge of getting his clearance done in school. He had travelled to his hometown. He told her mother about Mary and what they had shared together. His mother was happy and asked her son to bring Mary home so that she could see the lady who had captured her son's heart.

With a delightful heart, John returned to school to finish his clearance so that he could get prepared for NYSC and also informed Mary about his mother's intention of seeing her. "Mary, you know what? My mom has agreed to see you. She said we could come at any time. We were ready to come." Really, I can't wait to see her. "Can we go next week since I just finished my examinations? Mary asked.

They both agreed to see John's mother as planned. On Saturday morning, they boarded a bus heading to Ondo, where John's mother was residing. Their vehicle had a slight accident when the front tyre blew. The driver managed to get the car to a halt, and everybody was saved. The driver changed the tyre and continued with their journey. They got home safely and recounted their ordeal on the road. John's mother was happy to see them and also thanked God for the journey.

John's mother offered Mary food, then asked her a few questions concerning her family and a host of other questions. Mary answered every question to John's mother's satisfaction.

John's mother left the two lovers in the sitting room to get something in her bedroom. When she returned, she brought her photo albums for Mary to see. While going through the photos, "I forgot to ask you one question last time. What is your genotype, my daughter?" John's mother further inquired. "I'm AS, ma." You are what? No, it can't be that my son is also AS; this relationship can work. Something must be done." John's mother cut in. "Ma, I'm already pregnant." Agitated Mary.

"John, are you aware of this? You kept me in darkness." No, ma, I'm just hearing this for the first time," John answered his mother.

"I won't agree with this union. I won't allow you two to destroy my life. I must see my grandchildren. I don't have money for blood or whatever. You will have to get rid of the pregnancy; is it for your own good, my Mary? John's mother had said.

John told her mother that they would cope and manage whatever came their way as they were madly in love with each other. But John's mother wouldn't give in. "It is not when I'm alive that you will marry someone who will give birth to SS for you; no! never! I won't agree. Said John's mother.

John and Mary were seen crying. They were confused and didn't know what to do about the situation at all. Even if you won't allow us to get married because of this, can you at least allow her to give birth to this pregnancy in her womb?" John begged.

John's mother said it was for their own good, as she didn't have anything against their union. She further narrated the story of a couple who got married despite being warned not to. She said the couple lost their children to the cold hand of death, as all their children were all SS. "Your cases were similar. I can't, please. I don't want to bury my grandchildren." She wept.

"If you intend to get married, please count me out; I'm not in support of this." She screamed further.

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