The Fear Of The Coronavirus 😬

Back in 2019, when the coronavirus broke out,

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I honestly found it hard to believe it was real at first but my doubt didn't last long because shortly after we began to hear about the virus, it spread all over the country, and people were advised to take safety measures such as avoiding large social gathering as much as possible, always put on face masks and so on.


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Well it took time for people to adhere to the safety measures and so that made the spread of the virus multiply greatly where I was. Shortly after the spread, an order was passed by the government, that all malls, hostels, churches, and mosques were to be closed for sometime. Well I was affected, because at that time I was in one of the university's hostels which had to be closed at that time due to the population there.


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I still didn't really know about the symptoms of the virus, not until I traveled down to my hometown. My parents weren't really surprised to see me the very day I went home because everyone was aware of the new virus, at least through the radio, television


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even though many still didn't know the symptoms of which I wasn't exempted. Well, one of those days I was at home alone, I felt really bored, and decided to pay my friend whose house wasn't too far from mine a visit. I actually wanted to pay him a surprise visit so I didn't bother to tell him my plans of visiting him that day. When I got to his place, I found out his family members were all indoors. Well, I didn't bother to ask why his parents were still around at that time of the day. I greeted everyone present there, and shortly after went out with my friend.
well, we discussed school related issues,increase in diesel scarcity, and shortly after that we began to talk about the new virus(Coronavirus) which was increasingly putting fear in the hearts of many. My friend noticed he was the one doing more of the talking this time and was so curious why and so he asked why I wasn't really saying anything since he brought up the "Coronavirus topic"


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well I told him I didn't know much about the virus hence my silence. He decided to throw more light on the issue shortly after he said the dos and don'ts, he began to list some of the symptoms of the virus. Well I honestly was still startled as to how a virus could spread so fast within seconds. Not too long after he listed the symptoms, we got carried away by a minor accident which happened just across the road... not too long after we ensured everyone around the scene was safe, we both went back to our houses. That same night, I had difficulty getting to sleep


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the heat in my room was just as if it was doubled I felt so restless, and tired yet ...I used the back if my palm to feel my body didn't seem abnormal to me so I just waved everything off and laid down on the bed. Not too long after that I slept off...the next day I woke up so tired, my body temperature had risen way more than before, I was having a headache, a runny nose and was so tired (i could barely walk).

At that moment I was so confused because I could remember just the other day,I was all good without catarrh or high temperature. I began to wonder why and how all this sprang up just while I was asleep...I must tell you I began to over think most especially,because the symptoms were part of what my friend listed the previous day. I wanted to isolate myself without letting my parents know why but then I summoned courage to let them know how I was feeling. We were all tensed up that they, but then my mom was bold enough to take me to the hospital for a check-up. The results showed I was just suffering from typhoid and malaria...


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I have never been as relieved as i was that very day😅. that very day I was so happy it was just malaria and typhoid, not coronavirus which was my greatest fear at that time. I could also tell my mum was so relieved to see the results too...likewise my dad and siblings 😅😅.

Thanks for reading❤️

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