The Sadness of Rain and Sweet Doughnuts



Dami’s heart still feels like a knife was being run through it. Every night she went to bed, her pillow soaked with her tears. She tried so hard to keep the tears from flowing but it was so hard, because almost everything reminded her of him.

Whenever it rained, she thought about him even when she didn’t want to. Rain reminded her of the first day they met. She was on her way back from work and she was stranded by the bus stop. The fuel scarcity in the country had caused a reduction in buses plying the road and even when she saw a bus going her way, the exorbitant prices was a let down. She stood, waiting for a bus that would carry her at a cheaper price. She prayed to God that she would get to see one early because she could notice the clouds gathering overhead. It was going to rain soon. When the drizzle started, she rushed to stay underneath a shed. She was the only one standing there. Other people were braving the rain and she decided to join them. Maybe if she walked a distance, she might see another bus. This time around, she would board a bus at whatever price that was called. The rain was getting heavier, she was shivering and her mood was dampening when his car stopped beside her. He wound down his window and stuck his beautiful head out of it.

“Hop in.” He ordered.

She looked behind her wondering who he was ordering to hop in. Cause it was weird that a person would just tell a stranger to hop in their car.

“I'm talking to you. You look cold and this shed will not protect you from the thunderstorm that's coming. So, hop in.”

She was confused. As a wary human, the first thought that came to her mind was that he was a kidnapper.

“I'm not a kidnapper.” He said, as if he read her thoughts. His twinkling eyes and that little smile that played around his lips made her want to trust him. She looked in her bag to check if her pepper spray was intact. It was. It also seemed that she might not be able to get a bus, so she decided to take her chances. She scampered to the other side of his car and entered. The warmth and scent of hot chocolate welcomed her and she immediately felt relaxed. He wound his window up and turned to her.

“Where are you heading to?” He asked.

“Alimosho. Thank you very much.”

“You looked like you needed a ride.”

“I actually did. I have been waiting by that bus stop for quite some time.”

“But you hesitated when I asked you to hop in.” He raised an eyebrow, looking amused.

“This is Nigeria, sir. I was being cautious, abeg. I still have a life to live and I can't be kidnapped. Besides, you didn't ask me. You ordered me.” She countered back.

“Okay, okay. That was wrong of me, I know.” He laughed and conceded. He drove steadily through the rain and they settled into some sort of comfortable silence. Her stomach growled, she hadn't eaten anything except breakfast which was bread and tea. The workload at the office had made her forget to eat. And now, hunger had come with a vengeance. She looked at him from the side of her eye, trying to check if he had heard but it didn't look like he had. She prayed in her mind that her stomach wouldn't betray her again but just in that moment, it decided to be louder. She was so embarrassed.

“You're hungry.” He declared like it was a fact. She decided not to answer him. “There's bread and hot chocolate in the back seat. I just bought it from Jendol. You can have it.” He continued.

“I'm fine, thank you. You know this is how kidnappers do sometimes.” She said. He turned to face her and she felt the full intensity of his stare. A kind of warmth started creeping up her cheeks. “I have told you I'm not a kidnapper. Even if I were, the only thing I would want to kidnap is your heart.” He chuckled.

All of a sudden, the car felt too hot for Dami. She was in a car with a handsome stranger who was dropping pick-up lines.

“These things don't work on me.” She said.

“Well, I decided to try my luck. It usually does though but I guess, you are a different person. Anyway, you should eat.”

“Didn't you get them for yourself or your girlfriend maybe?” She inquired, even though every fiber of her being was willing her to stretch her hands and grab the bag of food.

“I got them for myself. No girlfriend for me. You can have it.” He used a hand to grab the food and put them on her laps.

“Thank you.” She opened it and the scent of the freshly baked bread made her smile widely in delight. She took a slice of bread and sipped from the cup of hot chocolate. This was paradise in disguise. After tucking in for a while, she glanced at him and saw that he had been staring at her. That little smile was on his lips again and she suddenly felt self conscious. She wrapped up the nylon and dusted her lips of any lingering remnants.

“Thank you for this. I'm grateful, sir.”

“My name's Tito.” He said.

“Ohh, Tito. Mine’s Dami. Thanks, Mr Tito.”

“Without the formality, please. You are welcome, Dami.” He replied. The rain had stopped and Dami could see that they were already at her junction.

“I will drop here, please.” She said

“You don't want me to drive you in?” He stopped the car while asking.

“No, thank you. The rain has stopped and my house is not far from the junction. Thank you for the ride. Thank you for the food. You are a savior.” She said while smiling at him. She opened the car and was about to step out when he grabbed her arm lightly.

“Sorry. Can I have your number, please? I know we didn't talk much. We barely know each other but I think I am interested in getting to know you.”

She looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity blazing through. She thought there was no harm in sharing her number and so she acquiesced.

“Okay, no problem. Let me have your phone.” He gave her his phone and she put in her number. He dialed it and her phone buzzed.

“That's mine. Ensure you have a nice evening, Dami”

“You too, Tito.” She stepped out of the car and waved at him. He waved back and drove off. She stared at the receding rear of his car and wondered what the fluttering feeling in her stomach was.

The next day and days after, they exchanged calls and texts. They couldn't go a day without speaking to each other. Tito was thoughtful and caring. He really listened to Dami. It was like he saw her for who she was. Whenever they had arguments or contrasting opinions on issues, he ensured to reach out to her and they always made up that day. Dami found herself falling in love with Tito and it was a deep fall. One that would leave her bruised and gasping for breath. One that she wouldn't be able to pick herself up from.

When the milky doughnuts trend started in Nigeria, Dami was reminded of Tito. She remembered when he had randomly asked her if she liked doughnuts. She thought it was just one of his usual get-to-know questions and so, she said yes. The next day, there was a delivery at her doorstep. Sweet round treats in different flavors!! Her heart thrilled with delight at seeing them and just then, she made up her mind that it was him she wanted to tie the knot with.

His thoughtfulness, his care, his ability to do the little things to make her happier, his warmth and softness were reasons why she loved him. She posted pictures of the doughnuts on Twitter and a supposed hater said he was probably buying doughnuts for her and five other girls. Dami laughed mockingly at her. The hater had probably never felt love like Tito’s.

It turned out that the hater was right. Tito went silent for a month. She tried to call him, text him, reach out to him but he had blocked her everywhere. She visited him but he wouldn’t let her in to see him. Then, wedding bells rang. It wasn't Dami’s. It wasn't Dami he got married to. She didn't understand how it had happened or what had happened. Everything was supposed to be fine with them. She hadn't noticed any wrongness before his silence. When she went to see him again, seeking for explanation and answers, she found out he had travelled for his honeymoon. And so, she was strung out, left hanging dry with no closure and no answers.

And she still couldn’t forget him because rain was always imminent and the snackshops around her wouldn't stop making doughnuts.

This short story is part of a larger whole but I thought to share it here because it means a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you.

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