“Boom!” Clapped the thunder after series of Lightening bolt flashes. Ify and her sister Chidimma sat up on their bed near the window that overlooked the big compound of our house, surrounded with massive mango trees that were bowing and waving their branches to the intensity of the rainstorm going on outside. Ify stood up to close the windows as the stiff breeze was already bringing in wisps of rain inside.

These girls ave always been up for a challenge and loved to test their lmits right from infancy. Thick as thieves, they were known for their curiosities and courage, but also for reckless behaviour. One day, while the town was being hit by a massive thunderstorm, they decided to do the unthinkable – to dare the lightning bolts or as Chidimma put it, to have a dance with the gods.

The sisters were fascinated by the power of lightning, and had often talked about what it would be like to experience it up close.

Geared with interest in Greek mythology about different gods that governed the elements such as Poseidon the god of the seas, Hera the Queen of the gods, and the mightiest of them all, Zeus, the god of thunderbolts. Their Dad’s thesaurus dictionary opened their eyes to the amazing world of mythos and legends.

Whenever they hear the sound of the thunder, they would tell jokes about the gods having arguments when thunder claps

“Seems like Zeus is throwing a tantrum against the gods” Ify would joke

“I guess Hermes made his dinner go awry, so they are arguing! Can’t you hear them throwing words back and forth?” Chidimma would reply

They have heard stories of people being struck by lightning and surviving, and Chidimma being the most adventurous of the two, was convinced that they too could withstand the power of the bolts

“Ify, it would be marvellous to behold the beauty of Lightening first hand!” she enthused

“No Chidimma, we are not going to do that, remember what dad told us about the deadliness of Lightening striking the ground?” Ify reminded her warily

“You are just being chicken “ she said dismissively, waving her hands at me in scorn, “You are older than me, why are you being the scaredey cat all the time? Well I am not surprised, you always like playing it safe and that is why you are not having any fun!” she jeered.

Her words stung at Ify’s ego and they quarrelled that evening.

They kept malice for weeks until the love of thunderstorms brought them back together again. They waited for the next inclement weather.

The following week, a massive rainstorm came followed by scattered thunderstorms that barked so loud that it seemed the earth would crack into two. Making sure everyone was distracted, the girls snuck out through the kitchen door, unto the open fields outside the house near the mango trees. With toes sinking into the moist red earth, they shivered from the gust of cold, merciless wind.

After a few minutes, Ify started growing cold feet, as hernrational mind was tugging her conscience. With my clattering teeth, she touched chidimma and urged her to change her mind because she had a foreboding that this adventure would not end well

“Chidimma, please let us go inside, I do not like the feeling I am getting, let us go back now it is not too late” Ify begged

“It is too late to turn back now” she spat back through clenched teeth and quivering lips.

With rain gear on, the sisters still felt the cold slicing through them. The storm was at its peak, with lightning bolts lighting up the sky every few seconds, and thunder rumbling through the air like an angry beast. Terrified and exhilarated at the same time, they still stood and waited.

Not quite long, Lightning bolts struck the ground, they felt rushes of adrenaline like never before. They felt so alive, like they were a part of something bigger than themselves. They were completely absorbed in the moment, and didn’t realize how dangerous that situation was.

Suddenly, without warning, a bolt of lightning struck the ground just a few feet away from them. With a blinding flash that, the girls were violently thrown to the wet ground, and for a few moments, they lay there, stunned and disoriented and they passed out. When they regained consciousness, they realized that they have both been struck by the lightning bolt.

The sisters were injured, but luckily sustained some bruises and sprains, fractures and arm dislocations. They needed medical attention urgently. They tried to get up, but their bodies were weak, they could barely move. They lay there for what seemed like hours, waiting for help.

Finally, their parents and brothers came running out with fear and concern on their faces and that was the last vision they saw before passing out again, only to wake up in the hospital, side by side, in a ward, in leg and arm castes,

Look at who just woke up!” chidimma rejoiced as her sister woke up

With head throbbing with headaches, Ify looked back at her and smiled, “how are you doing tough cookie?”

“I cannot complain, I am alive! And I am satisfied. We really had a tango with the gods!” she beamed

“For an instant I felt as if my soul was leaving my body and touching the clouds, and I can swear I saw Zeus and Hermes welcoming me to mount Olympus” Ify described to her, as she listened in fascination

“How glorious this is Ify, but we are never doing this again!” she said with a tone of finality

“Oh, who is now being chicken?” they both laughed and held their sides which was sore by the accident they encountered.

Miraculously, both of them survived the ordeal. In the days that followed, our neighbourhood was abuzz with news of the two sisters who dared the lightning bolts. Some people praised their bravery, while others criticized their recklessness. The girls were the talk of the town.

As they lay in their hospital beds, recovering from their injuries, under their parents withering gazes, the sisters reflected on their actions. They realized their foolishness in taking such a big risk, putting their lives in danger for no good reason. Youthful exuberance and foolhardiness is nothing but a recipe for disaster.

Thank you for reading.

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