The Lost Egg 🥚

There are different types of fear for a regular teenage girl. These fears are ranked in degree regarding different aspects of their life of course.
The fear of your parents knowing about your crush and how bad you crushed, is surely one that must be traumatizing for every teenager.
The fear of your parents coming to embarrass you in school or any social event is one that could legit kill. I still suffer PTSD from when my mom came to the school's sleepover to "subtly" give me my pads. I was so red that my face could be used as a card in Red Light Green Light.
Then there's the staple fear of losing your phone in the bus or it falling down a grate on the road. This is a fear that has stood the test of time and is commonly believed to be the most fearful thing in a teenager's life.

Having lived through these three fears I had thought that nothing could shake me again. Well mistress Life just gave me a huge wake-up call as I realized the biggest fear in a teenage girl's life.

The fear of losing the classes egg that was meant to be incubated and thus jeopardizing you and your partner's (who's also your crush) grade for the class.

"Please Jayna, I need you to try and remember where you dropped it." I begged my 5 year old sister tearfully as other forceful means of interrogation didn't work.
She was an airhead of sorts and tended to do unnecessary things she wasn't meant to do unannounced. Like opening the incubation box and taking the two eggs from there and now forgetting where she kept it.
I could see the sweat beads form on her forehead as she tried thinking back to where she may have kept the eggs and I already knew her memory was fighting a losing battle.

I had already done the needful and checked the egg crate, then went one step further to check the trash someone has decided to scramble my A+ and maybe a chance at something of a relationship with Aiden.
After a few minutes Jayna stopped trying and flopped back on the bed with her hands sprawled out. "I can't remember Reyna." She shouted.
I suddenly had the incredible urge to hold her in a headlock again till she does remember but I felt my mother's scolding eyes on my back and I already had the lingering feeling of the simple truth.

Jayna had lost it thus It was gone.

I looked back at Jayna, seeing that she was already humming away, eyes and hands interested in the design of the bed cover.
With tear filled eyes, I left her and went to my bed.
It was all over. My grades, Me and Aiden, My life at school, everything was coming to an end.
It was just typical that the egg would go missing when it's my turn at the project.
Other teams did their project successfully without any hitches. Aiden just dropped the crate in my house 3 hours ago.
Now it has been kidnapped by a bumbling possibly ADHD five year old who by now has already forgotten what she took.
I looked back at her, bouncing on the bed, trying to reach the ceiling.

Not trusting myself around her, I went to the toilet, deciding to calm down there.
Looking in the mirror, I prayed and wished for a miraculous reunion between me and my egg.
Remembering the chance of finding something that Jayna had lost was even harder than finding a miracle, I lost all control and screamed.
That's when it happened.
A single feather floated down into the toilet bowl from the bathroom window.
I remember there used to be a pigeon's nest there, but it was abandoned as Jayna mistakenly broke one of it's eggs.

Afraid to hope, I decided to just try.
Slowly, I closed the toilet seat and climbed on it to bring me on eye level with the window.
On the far corner there, I saw the nest, in the nest a shocked pigeon who immediately flew away, leaving behind two eggs.
I looked at these eggs and shed tears as I saw my egg there. Looking identical to the other egg, except for a small green marker stain that was used to mark it.

Grateful for this miracle, I jumped off the toilet seat and went to get the incubator ready.
After some thought, I realized that I couldn't separate this pigeon's family any more. So I got a box instead, carefully carried the nest into the box then lured the pigeon in using seeds.
A home-made natural-ish incubator.
I carried the box back to school at the end of the week and everyone was surprised, including my biology teacher who gave my group A+ for originality.
Aiden hugged me and that felt better than the A.
The next week, the eggs hatched from under the pigeon Emerald.
After I brought the pigeon in last week, the class as a whole decided to take her and her two unhatched chicks as the lass pets.
I felt happy for her, although losing one of her eggs earlier on, she gained another. Suddenly, a male pigeon flew in through the window. He was immediately regarded as Emerald's spouse so the Pigeon hatching party turned into a family reunion and as far as pigeon family reunions go, I'm pretty sure the reunion of the Class 2C's Pigeon family was the best.

Header image of birds nest taken by me.

My Instagram page.

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