The Light

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Remember, no weapon made against you shall prosper, you are light.

Those were the last words I heard from my beloved grandma years ago. Typical that I'll remember such a thing now.
She was a devout believer so I supposed it was just an ordinary verse from the strange book she always carried.
Now running through the alleys, being chased by every damn creature possible, and my powers forming, albeit little by little, those words were beginning to take a new shape in my mind and life.

I took a left turn and hid behind a dumpster, casting a quick spell on the entrance of the alley to show a normal wall, hardly anything special, just the most I could counter with my little magic.
I eased myself to the corner, trying hard not to reopen my healing wounds.
"You need to sleep." My familiar Riglow said to me, panic overflowing from his tone. I chuckled at the fact that the one thing I was scared of the most is now my best friend.
"Watch over me.." I said to him as I slept off, knowing the memories would come and I had no control over them.
I was taken back to where it all began, the tears after my grandma had died.

It all started 3 years ago, in a place where the most unusual yet interestingly powerful characters start from; an orphanage.
The Delthery Orphanage was one that was completely unlike the orphanages you read in stories, it was totally overstaffed but yet unoccupied.
A building built to house over 300 kids had only one girl.

"There are just no orphaned children."

An excuse good enough to call for the closure of the orphanage, hiding the fact that there was a girl who caused its downfall.

"All orphans gone in a night yet 1 girl remained"

Would've been a more accurate headline of what happened that night of the attack.
I remembered it clearly, the demon coming for me yet blocked by some bright light, he went for my bunkmate instead.
I remembered the fear I felt, the horror on the faces of the caretakers when they came to the bedchambers, expecting to see 300 kids but seeing one sobbing girl and some stains of blood on the sheets, walls and floors.
I was questioned, beaten, pitied and hated that day, yet I couldn't explain what had happened cause I didn't know myself.
I could only describe what came and how it left and even those sounded like lies.

I wasn't surprised when I was thrown out onto the streets, forced to fight the cats for a half eaten or spoiled meal.
It didn't stop the monsters from attacking me though, always finding me wherever I hid although never catching me.
It seemed that whoever I paired up with got hurt so I went Solo.
The street life became easier as everyone was familiar with the girl who was a magnet for monsters.
I had considered taking my own life but I never could do that either, tried allowing the monsters to just take me but I never died, the light always stopped them or stopped me.

I woke up to the slow sound of flesh sewing itself back together, my injury was almost healed.
"Are you awake?" Riglow asked, watching me like one would watch a wounded pup.
"Yeah, I am." I said, wiping my eyes of the tears and dirt of the dream.
I looked to see my wall illusion had taken a more stable form, must be because my magic was back to normal now.
"What're we gonna do Tehlli?." Riglow asked, morphing my name to something else as he panicked.
"First off, it's Tehil. Secondly, I don't know." I said, scared and a little bit panicked too.
It's the first time I met a monster who could actually harm me.
It was also the first time I met those girls fighting the monster.
"Do you know who they were?" I asked Riglow as I finally sat up straight, my injury healed and strength returning.
"I..don't...know.." Riglow answered unsurely.
"They do feel familiar though, don't you know them?" He asked back.
"Everyone I know is either dead or has disappeared, you of all people should know that." I replied to him, completely uncaring of the fact I referred to him as a person.
"Anyways, we should start moving now or other monsters will soon find us." I said as I stood and dusted myself.

I undid the illusion to find myself standing in front of 4 different women with assorted weapons on arguing.
"Ermmm, hey there." One of them said, waving to me.
I simply ignored them and ran.
"Wait!!!" They yelled but I paid no mind, as I ran with full speed, only stopping as I came face to face with the body of the demon who had injured me.
He had a nasty gash at the side and a gory cut on the neck.
"He was a piece of work." I heard from the voices behind me, I turned and saw that I was surrounded.
"Now what're we gonna do about you?" The same voice said, a girl with a nice build, chocolate skin, nice breasts and slim, made me a little bit self conscious.
"What do you mean What're we gonna do?, we're carrying her to the hideout of course". The girl who waved at me said, reprimanding the brown skinned one.
"Would she come willingly though?" A bespectacled girl asked.
The last girl, a bit young looking with green hair and a hoodie said nothing, she just looked at me for a moment then looked at Riglow.
She's not meant to see him but she looked at the space where he floated long and hard.

"We'll decide what to do about her later, we've got company." She finally spoke, then brought out a sword from her back.
More like materialized the sword cause I saw no sheath when she turned around nor a strap to hold a sword in.
Immediately the 3 girls turned around and materialized their own weapons.
I saw no enemies yet they stood their ground with dead silence and concentration.
A second later and I heard an arrow fly from the bespectacled girl, hitting a trash can that burst into flames, illuminating and scattering a bunch of little monsters.
The big ones moved forward firmly, uncaring of the fire; they looked like the beast that was dead behind me. The beast that could injure and possibly kill me, and they're were way more in number
"Gagamoths." The chocolate skin girl said in shock.
"About 12 of them." The green haired girl replied.
"We retreat." She concluded and immediately, they began moving backwards.
The smaller beasts who ran, came to our pursuit with other bigger more agile beasts.
3 of the girls dealt with them while running and the green haired girl came towards me.
"I'm Olive and I'm the one in charge."
I had no strength to answer her so I kept on listening and running.
"We're part of a big organization called Beacon and our mission is to safely find the light and bring her to the headquarters." She continued while tapping away at the screen on a device I mistook as a regular wristwatch
"We know who you are and the rumors of what you bring, you're needed in the organization yet we need to see it."
"You need to see what?" I said, gasping as exhaustion washed over me while running through the streets.
"I need to see the light." She answered

I turned another corner and met a dead end.
Turning around, I saw we had been separated from the rest of the group.
"They're still fighting," Olive said, "northeast of here."
"Let's go then." I said, about to take off when Olive held my hand.
She put her fingers to her mouth and signalled for me to shush.
I stayed with her behind the locker while a Gagamoth passed by the alley, ground shaking with every step.
The steps seemed to be getting farther and suddenly it vanished.
Olive pushed me away in time to save me from being crushed by the falling beast.
The Gagamoth must have sensed us and planned to get the jump on us.
He looked at me with his beady black eyes.
Slowly he stepped away from where he was standing, where I was sitting down and hiding a few minutes ago, now it was just craters there.
The monster reached for me with his clawed hands, the same claws that could injure me.
I backed away till I reached the other side of the wall, panic rising in my throat.
I didn't know what to do, the frantic pleas of Riglow for Me to move fell on deaf ears.
In fear and desperation I shot my arms up, dunno if I was trying to push against the monster's gigantic humanoid arm or not.
It was a desperate attempt at an attack yet something happened.
Light emerged, lighting up the dark alley, burning through the Gagamoth's fingers, hand and arm, way up to his shoulders, forcing him to scream an inhumane scream then going away.
I slumped on the wall, exhausted at that raw use of my power.
"I've seen enough", came a voice by the side of me.
Olive stood there, leaning on the wall too, clothes dirty and scratched in her face but she wasn't flattened like I suspected.
"Seen what?" I asked slowly, my eyes already closing out of exhaustion.
"Enough to convince me that you are what we're looking for." She replied then walked closely towards me.
"Congratulations Tehil, you've been accepted into the Beacon's. A group of individuals with special powers just as yourself, training to fight monsters like the ones you've been running from your whole life, monster's of the old, we fight them to help those who can't fight"
"Uh-huh." I say, eyes a centimeter apart now.
She squatted close to me again then finished with her speech.
"Welcome to the Beacon's, you're our new light."
Then I blacked out.

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