A Comedic Save

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The silence that could be heard in the audience was breathtaking. One could literally cut the tension with a knife.
I stood on the stage, looking at the audience after a rather dicey joke on the school's headmaster.
I stood on the stage, waiting for the 3 second deadline before I moved on to the next joke.
Suddenly I heard a laugh, then two more laughs, all suddenly it became an uproar.
The audience clapped and laughed, well all except a certain group.
The teachers were shocked, mouths agape but the headmaster was straight up silent, he seemed a bit embarrassed, then our eyes locked and what looked like embarrassment before turned into an emotion that I could characterize perfectly with Mr James.. Fury.
I decided to tune him out from the audience and continued my show.

I exited the stage, leaving the audience all laughing and with tears in their eyes.
Immediately the curtain closed behind me, I rushed to the parking lot, texting my brother to meet me on the way.
I was intercepted by Mr Harry, the scary maths teacher with a Russian accent

Hey Funny guy..
Why don't you come crack some jokes in the principal office, eh?
Biggy biggy, say it again...

He drags me by the arm and pulls me through the corridor heading to the teachers lounge.
Normally I knew there was no pleading with Mr Henry, yet I still had to try.
In the teacher's lounge, I tried my luck

Sir please, can't you just say you didn't see me.

He let go of my shirt and looked at me shocked.
A teacher that I didn't see by the water dispenser laughed in her cup.
He looked at me in disgust. Then it dawned on me what I had just done.
Mr Henry was a victim of short sightedness, and here I was asking if he could claim not to have seen me, who he held right now.

He gruffed and dragged me by the shirt to my impending doom in the Principal's office. I meekly followed knowing that my goose was cooked.
After a quick knock at the door, clearly just for formalities cause he didn't wait to be ushered in, before unceremoniously pushing me inside.
I stumbled a bit then looked around at the office.
It looked like a questioning room, the darkness was choking yet I decided to hold my cool.
I hadn't done anything wrong.
It not being my first, second nor fifteenth time in this office, I confidently walked over and sat on the couch, waiting for my Judge and Jury; Mr James and Miss Rhea.

Quite confident of you, Mister Leo...

I snapped up as I saw the Chair swivel and light was brought to the room.
Mr James sat confidently, in the plus sized chair, eating a piece of jerky from the school's cafeteria.

I'm sure you know why you're here?...

Miss Rhea asks, leaning on the wall next to the light switch.

I was so good on stage you wanted to have a private show?

I said laughing nervously at the stupid attempt at a joke.

You made a rather hurtful remark about my body, Mister Leo.

Mr James said, licking his pudgy fingers of sauce and then cleaning up with a napkin.

Did I??

I ask, laughing nervously again...

I don't seem to recall.

Mr James leaned in, making a rather amusing figure of a Potato with hands.

Oh you don't know now, do you?

He picks up the remote to the television on his wall...

Maybe a video of your comedy entry in the talent show would jog up your memory.

The television fizzes to life, showing a black and white clip of me, performing on stage.
Then the dicey joke came on.

Well, I've heard a saying of not addressing the elephant in the room...
But I can hear Mr James chair right now really screaming about the elephant.

I stifled a giggle cause this was no laughing matter, but the laugh from Miss Rhea put my efforts under.

So you think it's funny?

Mr James asked me, a vein bulging on his forehead..
I immediately sobered up...

Errrrm No Sir, I think.-

I was interrupted by Miss Rhea

Oh leave this boy alone James...
You've gained weight and you know it.

Mr James turned, looking betrayed

It's only just a little...

He attempted to argue yet by some work of comedic luck or bad luck, at that moment his chair gave out.
He fell on the floor and this time I couldn't laugh, feeling how embarrassing it might be for him, falling in front of both his employee and student.

James, you have to lose some weight.

Miss Rhea talks to him on the floor and looks at me as though I'm part of this intervention.

Yes, I think that would be for the best Sir

I second awkwardly and quite nervously.

Okay okay, I hear ya...

Mr James agrees from the floor and Miss Rhea gives me a nod signalling my freedom.
I happily burst out of the room, and ran into Mr Harry who was walking by.

Oops, sorry, I didn't see you there...

He says and walks by.
I laugh out loud at my comedic release.
On my way past the teachers lounge, I noticed how the teachers were looking at me differently and smiling.
A certain Miss Andrea, my teacher crush and Mr James niece, even came to give me a hug.

I don't know if it's brilliance or just pure stupidity, but you did it.

Miss Rhea, just told me that My Uncle wants to reduce, thanks.

With that high feeling, I walked through the corridor and got a reply from my brother.

You wanna leave with your winners trophy, you funny idiot?

I let the insult slide because of my good mood and pretty much skipped to claim my award, thinking

This Comedy gig rocks...

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