Creativenonfiction#83 ~`Running For My Dear Life

This prompt reminded me of something that happened while I was in a higher institution.

We were in the auditorium one afternoon when our class talkative Jumoke, who happens to be my coursemate was talking about preparations for our Matriculation which is only a few days away. I didn't contribute to the conversation until she directed a question at me.

"What about you rukkie, have you made your preparations?"Jumoke asked, looking in my direction.

"Preparations?" I laughed. "I didn't make any", I replied watching as a frown suddenly appeared on her face.

"Babe, why you dey do like this(Why are you like this)? People like you are the reason why others will think Maths students cannot be intelligent and also classy" She complained giving me what looked like a scowl.

I rolled my eyes "It's just Matriculation, it's not like we are already graduating"

"So what do you plan to wear?" She further asked almost drawing attention towards us.

"I won't go naked na, I will just wear any dress I see in my bag"

"Nawa for you O. Can't you get a new dress? I bought one myself yesterday" She went on telling those who cared to listen about where she got the dress from and also the amount she claimed to buy the dress was expensive to me but then she can afford it while I can't. Even if I did, there was no way I would have spent that amount on one dress.

When I got back home from school that day, I decided to see if there was a way I could also "make preparations". So I started by going through all the dresses I have. Good thing it was the weekend so I would had the time. From my closet, I didn't see any of the dresses which don't look already worn out a bit. I thought of just wearing one like that but then Jumoke's words kept ringing in my ears. Would it be bad if I also wore something new to Matriculation? I thought out loud. But what am I to do?

It's two days to the event, buying a new dress is out of it as I don't even have the funds, Unless.... an idea formed in my head. I quickly searched for the blue silk fabric given to me as a gift and upon seeing it, I told myself, I could just make a new dress instead. Ha!


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I quickly checked online for clothing styles and I saw one that caught my eye, it has a pleated design in front of it and I immediately fell in love with it.

I took the material and off I went to Mummy Abdul's shop. She is a fashion designer and also my mum's friend. I knew if anyone could make that style perfectly, it would be Mummy Abdul and she doesn't charge me much at all, maybe because I was her friend's daughter.

I got to her shop to find her and her apprentices working on the sewing machine, with lots of clothes everywhere. Before I could even say anything I knew she wouldn't have the time to make a dress for me as she had lots of clothes to make. She also affirmed my fears and I knew I had to find an alternative.

She told me to try Mummy Jay who lives on the next street from mine. I then remembered that I once passed by Mummy Jay's shop which is more of an attachment to one corner of her house and saw that she makes corporate dresses, suits and many others. She also sells clothing materials and her shop is quite big. So I decided to try at Mummy Jay's shop.

When I got there, I showed her the material and the style and told her of the deadline which would be on Sunday since the Matriculation is on Monday. She told me she would be able to make the dress and surprisingly the money charged was very affordable for me. I collected her number and sent the style I had chosen to her. She took my measurements and off I went back home with a smile on my face.

I called her on Sunday and she told me she had made the dress, all I had to do was to come try it out to see if it needed any fittings. I quickly went to her house and found her shop locked. I wasn't surprised to see since it was the weekend.

I called her and she told me I should come inside her compound. I pushed the big gate and entered. Wow! That was all I could say. Her compound was bigger than I thought.

I was walking down to the entrance of her house when I saw something round the corner. Before I know what's happening, I stood facing the biggest dog I had ever seen.


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Upon seeing me, the dog started barking. Barking seemed like an understatement, it roared at me ferociously each sound shaking me up and I was so scared immediately.

"Don't run", I heard a man who I assume was her security man telling me from afar but the dog didn't stop its incessant barking.

I took a step back and I saw the dog immediately charging towards me. I didn't need to be told twice as I took to my heels, running as fast as my legs could carry me while the dog chased me like I was some kind of thief. I looked back and saw the dog almost close to me, I ran so fast that I barely escaped by the skin of my teeth.

"Mummy ooo" I screamed louder flung the gate open and ran till I got back home. It was when I got back home that I stopped to catch my breath.

I couldn't for the life of me think of why any person would live with a beast like that not even for protection against thieves.

Mummy Jay later came in the evening to bring me my dress and while at my place with my parents and my neighbors were around, she recounted how she saw me running for my dear life while screaming and calling for my mum's name in the process.

Everyone laughed at me but I didn't find it funny. That beast (dog) could have torn me to pieces had I waited but according to her, it won't have done so. Yeah, right!

"I would like to see you bringing more clothes for me rukkie", Mummy Jay said looking directly at me.

"Of Course Ma", I responded seeing her easily believe my lie.

Only I knew deep down in my heart that there was no way in hell I was ever going back to her house.

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