Underground Paradise : Act 3 : Redemption or Retribution

This is a story for TTRPG games like dungeons and dragons. You may use this story as a stand alone adventure or you can use it to insert your existing campaign as a side quest adventure. Either way you and your player will have a wonderfull experience with this module.

I am selling this module in my etsy shop but i am sharing this story here for free. If you want to have this story module with not only all the chapters but with NPC profiles, Player Background hooks, Post-Adventure Hooks, Reward suggestions, Dungeon Master Tips, Music and soundeffect suggestion for each chapter, you can visit my etsy shop and purchase the story module there.

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source: freepik

Chapter 1: The Betrayal


Just as victory over the guardian seems certain, Jorin turns on the party. The nervous and harmless guise slips away, revealing Kavara, the notorious treasure hunter. The betrayal strikes a blow, more hurtful than any physical attack. With his men surrounding the party, Kavara claims the Heartstone.


"Just as the guardian weakens, Jorin, the timid guide, stands up straighter, his eyes now sharp and calculating. He is no longer Jorin but Kavara, the infamous treasure hunter. His true identity revealed, he calls in his men, hidden within the shadows of the temple. As they surround you, Kavara takes advantage of the chaos to seize the Heartstone."

Roleplaying Tips

This is a moment of deep betrayal and disappointment. Allow the players to express their shock and anger. Encourage them to plot their next move carefully.

DM Tips

Make sure to build up the tension before the revelation. Use Kavara's sudden transformation to surprise not only the characters but also the players themselves.

Encounter - Kavara's Betrayal

Kavara leaves some of his men to delay the party while he escapes with the Heartstone. Despite the shock and disappointment, the adventurers must fight their way out.

DM tips for the encounter

Make this encounter challenging, reflecting the raw betrayal and Kavara's desperation to escape. Use the environment to make it difficult for the party to give chase immediately.

Ending of Chapter 1

As the last of Kavara's men fall, the party is left to pick up the pieces of their shattered trust. However, they don't have the luxury of time. Kavara has the Heartstone and they must give chase through the sprawling underground paradise.

Chapter 2: Pursuit in the Depths


The echoes of betrayal still hang in the air, but the party must put aside their feelings to chase after Kavara. They navigate the intricate network of tunnels in the underground paradise, ever aware of the glowing Heartstone's trail.


"The temple quiets down once again, but this time, it's not peace that fills the air but a tense anticipation. You steel yourselves, shake off the hurt, and begin your chase through the glowing labyrinth of the underground paradise. The Heartstone leaves a faint trail, like a comet's tail, guiding you through the maze."

Roleplaying Tips

Encourage your players to strategize their pursuit. They can choose to rush headlong, risk getting lost or ambushed, or they can take it slow, giving Kavara time to escape but ensuring their safety.

DM Tips

Make the pursuit exciting. The labyrinthine network of tunnels offers opportunities for ambushes, dead ends, and environmental hazards. The glowing fauna can be both a guide and a hindrance.

Encounter - Kavara's Traps

As the party gets closer, Kavara's men set traps and obstacles to slow down their pursuit. The party must overcome these while still keeping up the chase.

DM tips for the encounter

Mix both combat and skill checks in this encounter. Give the players different ways to overcome the traps - brute force, clever thinking, or precise timing.

Ending of Chapter 2

Their resilience sees them through the obstacles. Exhausted but determined, the party corners Kavara in a dead-end tunnel. But this is not the end. The final confrontation awaits.

Chapter 3: The Final Confrontation


In the claustrophobic confines of the tunnel, the party stands face-to-face with Kavara. His desperation is palpable, but the glint in his eyes speaks of a resolve as strong as theirs. This is the moment of truth.


"The tunnel's end is lit up by the Heartstone's pulsating light, casting an eerie glow on Kavara's face. His thin figure seems frail, but his eyes burn with a fierce determination. He is trapped, but he will not give up without a fight."

Roleplaying Tips

This is a moment of high tension. Encourage your players to confront Kavara verbally before the fight breaks out. This is also their chance to question Kavara about his motives and actions.

DM Tips

Use this moment to reveal the complete backstory of Kavara and his people's plight. Let Kavara make a passionate plea to the players, adding a layer of complexity to the forthcoming battle.

Encounter - Kavara's Last Stand

Kavara, cornered and desperate, fights with everything he has. His men join him, making this a challenging fight.

DM tips for the encounter

This fight can be a test of the party's endurance. Remember, Kavara's men are fighting for their survival, so they will be just as determined as Kavara. Use their desperation to add intensity to the battle.

Ending of Chapter 3

With Kavara and his men defeated, the party is left with a difficult decision. Help Kavara to recover his land and save his people, or punish him for his betrayal and use the Heartstone for their own purposes. The echoes of the battle fade away, leaving only the sound of their thoughts and the ever-glowing Heartstone.

Chapter 4: Heartstone's Choice


With Kavara defeated and the Heartstone in their possession, the party is faced with a difficult decision. Should they use the power of the Heartstone to save Kavara's people or use it for their own ends?


"As the dust settles, you stand over Kavara, the Heartstone in your possession. Its glow illuminates the narrow tunnel, casting long shadows. In the silence that follows, you realize the decision that lies before you."

Roleplaying Tips

This is a heavy moral choice for the party. Encourage your players to discuss and weigh their options. Remind them of the potential consequences and rewards of their decision.

DM Tips

This decision can significantly impact the party's reputation and alignment. Be prepared for potential character development or changes in party dynamics based on the choice they make.

Encounter - The Heartstone's Power

The Heartstone is a powerful artifact, capable of healing the land or granting immense power to its user. How the party chooses to use it can result in different outcomes and rewards.

DM tips for the encounter

This is less of a physical encounter and more of a moral dilemma. Use this opportunity to create dramatic tension and highlight the implications of the party's decisions.

Ending of Chapter 4

Depending on the party's decision, they either emerge from the cave with the Heartstone, ready to heal Kavara's lands, or they leave Kavara to his fate, their hearts heavy with the weight of their decision.


Should they choose to aid Kavara, they arrive at his tribe's land, where the Heartstone restores life and vibrancy to the barren landscape. The grateful tribe rewards the party with treasures and a feast in their honor.

Rewards can include:

  • A magical artifact from the tribe's ancient treasury.
  • A powerful beast companion from the tribe's stables.
  • A pledge of loyalty and aid from the tribe, who are skilled warriors and survivalists.
  • A sacred totem that grants the party protection against nature-based spells and hazards.

If they choose to abandon Kavara, they leave the tunnels with the powerful Heartstone, ready to use it for their own purposes.

The Heartstone's powers include:

  • The ability to manipulate and control natural elements.
  • The power to heal the land from any corruption or destruction.
  • The ability to command animals and plants.
  • The ability to manipulate weather.

Regardless of the decision they make, the echoes of this adventure will follow them, a reminder of the choices they made in the heart of the forest. The ending of this journey is not just about the rewards, but the consequences of the party's decision, leading to a rich and nuanced narrative resolution."

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