A New Life


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Helen, a promising child grew up with her uncle who was a gang leader in a slum area of her country. She grew up with her uncle's trainees, they lived together and he treats her the same way he treats his trainees. Her uncle happens to be cruel and merciless, he took Helen in since child birth after her mother's death. Helen's dad happens to be a police officer, he got involved in a drug case and the drug lord's were after him and his family. Helen's mother flees from home as a result of these to her brother's hideout.
Helen's uncle raised her single handedly, even after her dad located her after few years of searching, he refused to release her to her dad, he wants revenge on anyone who would hurt the little girl her sister left behind. Helen's uncle raised her like a man, he trained her to be fierce and wicked, she had gone through different kinds of training since she was 8 years and now at age 17 she is now a professional.

A New Life began for her, after her dad managed to persuade her uncle, he promised to leave the country with her and protect her. She will live in a new country, learn a new language, attend a new school and live like a free bird, she had been under the control of her uncle who had been protecting her.
Her first day in school wasn't a pleasant one, after his father managed to find a suitable school for her, she proceeded to resume. The fact that she will be leaving her father for the next few months is not a problem, she hoped she will be able to adapt to her new environment. The teacher leads her to her class as he introduces her to the class, and now it's her turn to greet the class.

"Hey......hi" she stutters.
The students were on the verge of bursting into laughter when the teacher intervened.
"You have to greet properly and tell them your name" He informed her.
"Oh...Good Morning. I'm Helen and it's nice to meet you " she said.

The class responded by clapping for her as she proceeded to sit where the teacher instructs her to sit. Her seatmate smiled at her but she took her gaze away from her.

The truth about Helen is that she isn't used to all these kinds of formalities, greetings and pleasantries, her new environment seems strange to her. There's peace and everywhere is quiet.

It's closing time and everyone departs to their hostel including Helen, her first problem was eating her lunch.
"You have to eat whatever is prepared for you without complain" the house master told her.
"What if I don't want to? She asked. Every one stares in shock, they didn't believe she would talk so boldly, nobody dares question the housemaster. Amazingly, he smiled and told her she have to eat it.
It's recreation time, all students are expected to engage in sporting activities at the sporting center, boys plays football and the girls plays handball, some skipped and some chats.

"Hey! A senior called Helen as she made her way to the midst of other students. She ignores him and continue with her walk, finding a suitable place to sit quietly and reading her novel. In anger, the senior walks to her front and shouts again.
"Hey! Are you deaf or something?
"Who are you? Helen asked him.
"Hey, that's the senior prefect" someone whispers from behind.

"Senior or whatever you call yourself, I don't give a damn, you should learn a good way to approach people. My name is Helen not 'hey' Helen replied the senior.

At this point, the senior prefect was already boiling in anger as he gaves her a slap and he commands her to get up and follow her.

"The seniors here are brutal I guess" Helen speaks to herself.
"I'm gonna pardon you if you leave now. Helen informs the senior but he keeps ranting and shouting.

The senior ended up being beaten by Helen that the others boys managed to rescue him from her as Helen is not ready to leave him. Nobody dares mess with her afterwards.

The next day, she was summoned into the principal's office, the consequences of her action is suspension but because the senior prefect also had his fault, they decided to punish her by giving her 10 strokes of cane in front of the whole school. Even after getting the whole beating. The students were amazed at how she stood up and walked away silently without showing any cry or pain. They had no idea the kind of life she had been living before, it's nothing compared to what she got today and she isn't bothered about that.
Helen sat down quietly to think about what she has done in her first day in a new place. She will heed to her father's advice and be of good behavior, she will endure the oppressions and gossips from students and face her new life alone.

Thank you for reading.

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