Love at first sight


Love is a matter not to be taken lightly. This is my opinion, simply because it is a process that is not simply a matter of falling in love at first sight. No, a romance must blossom and be nurtured with gestures, actions, and great perseverance. In my case it was like that, it was not something that happened magically as the books say. I must say that initially, it didn't seem to be going anywhere.

Both she and I were in different relationships. However, destiny made our relationship happen two years after we met.

At that time I was a simple paramedic and she was starting her rural career to be a full-fledged surgeon. To this day I think back on everything that happened.

The first time I saw her I felt the spark, it was like "hey look at that beautiful girl" and the other part of my conscience said, "Hey, calm down you're in a relationship already". It was true, I was having a long-distance relationship with a girl who lived in Peru and I knew for sure if she was coming back, but that was no excuse to go after another girl. And I didn't. I didn't see her much either, only occasionally when I went on my watch.

Believe me, that was few and far between. However, at that time to extend my network and to have so to speak influence in the future I would collect the phone numbers of the doctors I worked with. Both men and women, you never know when you might need help, or perhaps in the future, you might need support in anything but business.

I should note that among all the phone numbers I collected, I found hers the most difficult. The others had been sporadic in the style of "Hey, could you pass your phone number to consult you about patients or so to speak", but hers I could not find a way to ask her and make it look like interest on my part, although I already knew that any request to have her phone number meant that I was interested in her. And so it was, in the middle of a queue for gas, but a huge queue for fueling the ambulance, which would take us all morning. One morning I spent a long time looking at her thinking about whether it was improper to ask for her phone or to let it go and regret it.

"My thoughts were to do it there is nothing wrong with you having her phone number" "It's only for emergencies with patients" Those were my excuses, but the heart can't be lied to, I wanted to meet her.

When I asked her for her number I wanted to die, I tried to look her in the eyes, but I couldn't, I looked down and tried not to let her see that I was so embarrassed. In the end, she gave it to me and I don't think she ever realized it, or at least she never told me.

I started to get to know her through messages. It's not that I wrote to her all the time, but occasionally. I was always on call to see how she was doing, but internally I wanted to get to know her, and little by little she was releasing information about her life. That year many things happened, she left the service where she worked, then I left and moved to another place to continue working as a paramedic, even so, it was not long, and in a month I was already unemployed.

She finished her rural and began to work in her profession. In that year they broke up, and the distance was deteriorating the relationship. My ex-girlfriend when she came back was different, jealousy on my part cracked what had been given and when she was by my side it was to finish definitively what was never consummated. Like a river, everything followed its course and I continued to keep in touch with the doctor. This time I wanted to know if she liked me too, but not directly, but indirectly. Even one day looking for some medicine for a friend I took that as an excuse to go to see her, that was before she finished rural.

It was a normal day, we were talking and I liked her, but she had a boyfriend. So when she lost her phone due to a robbery the communication was over. I tried my best to keep in touch through social media, but she avoided me and left me talking to myself. I decided to respect her decision, but she saw all my stocks and was aware of everything I uploaded, as well as myself.

In that year I was with one or two girls, but nothing serious. At the end of the year, I decided to write to her again. Again I don't know why I did it, maybe I am too masochistic and I wrote to him. My surprise was such that he answered me, it was as if nothing had happened and we resumed contact. He gave me his new number and we started our friendship again. In the course of this, I found out that she was alone and I was even happier, but I had to restrain myself, she could not tell that I was so interested in her.

Another year went by and the trust we had between the two of us grew when it seemed that something was about to happen, I got an internship. That meant leaving for a year to sail the high seas, a year where I wouldn't see her. I was worried, I thought she could not stand the distance for much longer, plus I had against me that we had never had a date as such, how could I win against that if there were many more qualified suitors.

She was patient, patience was always a positive factor and I listened to her. I thought we were evolving and maybe if what I longed for with her would happen. Then without warning again the communication became short and cold as an iceberg. I thought I had screwed up, I had pushed too hard for her to feel something for me, so again I let everything flow and gave her her space against my wishes and waited patiently.

Two months passed and I finally decided to write to him. The conversation flowed smoothly again and things started to happen. Her attention was strengthened and strangely at no time did I feel insecure with her. On the contrary, I felt that I could be myself and tell her whatever I wanted.

It was building one of the most beautiful relationships I have had in my short life. If with the other girls I felt inferior and insecure with her it was the opposite. Still, if I wondered why she chose me if there were better matches out there. Then finally when we had our long-arranged date I knew.

My persistence skills had paid off. The first date I was nervous about making any mistakes, I think I was very clumsy and inept, but I kept persevering and the second date I found out the real reasons for the distance. And I understood them completely. Sincerely, the romance that had been repressed for so long by both of us began to take place. The third date was magical, I remember it well on the beach, the two of us hugging each other, giving us a love that was being born and it was when she confessed to me in the middle of that excitement that from the beginning she had felt an attraction.

I can not lie to you. I felt out of orbit, the joy could not contain it and months later on board my impatience to disembark again was greater. My thoughts were circling around her, I was no longer adrift at sea, I had an even more fixed course than I would have had on my own. And to this day that romance continues to grow, we tell each other all our thoughts and problems of the day. We listen to each other and think about how to deal with it, we rarely argue. It is undeniable that she meshes with me like no other person ever has before.

The story may seem boring to another reader, but to me it is a whole story. My story and hers growing up together. I have all my energies and thoughts on the future with her. In continuing to strengthen our story with new adventures and anecdotes that are worthy of writing just as our beginning was.


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Cover taken with Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 S and Banner made in Canva; Separators made in photoshop

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