A kiss


A kiss can change a person's destiny, his decisions, his thoughts, his desires and wishes. A kiss is a weapon destined to transform many things. I knew that from the moment she placed her lips on mine and I savored her sea-flavored tenderness. I knew that my life was going to change when in the middle of my geeky speeches I was oblivious and oblivious to the world around me.

A kiss definitely changed the world, it was not the same as that day. She knew it, Samantha knew it, she knew that my life would be transformed. My destiny was tied to Samantha and I had to fulfill her expectations, I had to be someone in life and bring her stability.

My life before that kiss was wild and full of adventure. I lived by guiding people up mountains, saving people in forest fires, and writing stories on a blog at midnight when ideas were crowding my brain. I was frequently on the street and my mother would say. "You're a street kid, but a good one" And it was true, I wasn't one to sit at home and do nothing.

I would work out in the mornings and the rest of the day I would look for places to go. I did not refuse any invitation that had as a destination a place unknown to me. I had been to the Andes and faced abysmal cold, to the tropical islands of my country and diving with mystical turtles, but I had never given a kiss like that one. A kiss that stirred my insides.

My father had told me long ago. "You will mature when you find a woman you want to take care of, and that you put all the emphasis on giving her well-being". It was a bit of an old-fashioned phrase, because Samantha took care of herself, she was a pretty brilliant doctor and would soon become more so with her doctorate. But that she was a doctor and I was a simple writer with dreams of adventure didn't stop me from transforming. The kiss didn't turn me into a toad or a prince, but it was the catalyst to move and emerge into the known world.

It was not something she asked me to do, it was not something she told me to do:

"Humberto, get your act together, you can't live or eat on love.".

No, I just put the pieces together. The worst thing is that that tender and simple kiss contained such power, that later came more kisses strengthened with the passion of growing together.

I could not stand by and watch her succeed, I could not become a burden. A simple adventure guide makes links and those links allowed me to create my travel agency. I knew my country like no other, I was a cultured guy who needed a kiss to jump into business. I hated having inept bosses, I hated having a work routine, so what better than creating your own job and with skilled people.

One kiss was the impetus to turn a simple mountain guide into an agency, to save people in specialized courses and to write recognized books that meant the leap into the literary world.

Samantha did her thing too, but she didn't need my kisses to propel her. She had always kept herself on her toes and focused on her work. She didn't need a kiss to change, whereas I did. A boy in man's skin, a drifter with no specific goals.

A kiss with hugs between the waves of the sea, a kiss that stole my breath, but scrambled my brain in such a way that I had to go after the world I had lost for a few years.

This is my story, a simple one without fantasies, but with great power behind a simple action.


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Cover taken with Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 S and Banner made in Canva; Separators made in Photoshop

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