I'm Going In!


Mama rubbed my back, but I kept on staring at the floor. No way was I looking at her after she made me switch schools.

After a minute she huffed. “I know, switching schools is hard, especially if it’s your first year in school, but you’ve got to make it work. Look at me! I’ve got to change to working at a night job since your father works in the day. It’s been so hard learning to make dinner early and stay up at midnight when no one’s around, or even not being there to tuck you in at night.”

“Cap. You don’t give a crap about me. All you love is Papa and coffee.” I stared straight out the windshield at all the kids outside. We were in a parking lot next to the sidewalk where Kids were talkin’ and laffin’ outside as they headed into school where some grown-up stood smiling at the door.

“Kaiden, you know I love you!” Mama kissed my head and stared at me for a while longer. Remember, the only one who can make friends is you, so try your best. Get those intelligent wheels in your brain turning! If the teacher says you were good, I’ll make sure to get you some jam tarts after school, okay?

I wanted to say If you’re even awake after school, but I would feel guilty about saying that the whole day. I just slammed the car door and headed for school.

Next thing I knew, I was in Mrs. Myran’s class at a round table in a red chair. I slid my shoes against the bumpy carpet. The teacher’s desk was a table away at the front of the room, and across from it was a corner with two beanbags and a bookshelf to the side of them. Behind me was a white board and to the right of me was a counter with a sink and paper towles and stuff. The whole room smelled like dirty clothes and crayons.

Some girl came and plopped herself right beside me.

“Hey!” she smiled.

Didn’t she know I wasn’t in the mood to talk!? I thought about being rude to her, but then I thought about those jam tarts I’d get after school too. I thought about what Mama said, ‘Get those intelligent wheels in your brain turning!’ I imagined a few golden cogs in my head turning sideways and vertical and then it zoomed out of my brain and then out of my eyes into real life.

“Hey,” I smiled at her. She giggled and turned away from me.

Soon the teacher came to the front of the class and said that there was a ‘new transfer student’ in the room. Like everybody didn’t know that.

“Kaiden, please introduce yourself!” Mrs. Myrant threw a hand in my direction. Everyone’s eyes landed on me. I shrugged and looked at the teacher.

“Come on, Kaiden, what would you like us to know about you?”

I could’ve said that I used to run down the halls with my old friends at my old school. I could have told them I wish school would end early and I could go to my old school and see my friends again. I could’ve said that at home, while my Mama naps all day I go to the live-action channel and watch Fierce Force Police Crew until something scary enough makes me change the channel. But I thought about those jam tarts again. Instead I chose the most detailed thing I could say about me and just said it.

“I’m Kaiden. My birthday is tomorrow.”

After a moment, the teacher nodded and said, “Very nice. Everyone, say hi to Kaiden.”

“Hi Kaiden,” the class choroused.

That day I tried to act my best for my sweet reward. I sang ‘This Old Man’ and ‘ABC’s’ loud and off-key along with the class. I actually tried to draw the art assignment. I didn’t run out of class and yell during lunch. The whole day I watched everyone else talk to their friends. It sucked.

Maybe I should just quit pretending to be happy and nice, it doesn't make school go away any faster, I thought. But then again, the day was almost over, and Mama would have to cough up those jam tarts-

“Are you having a party?”

I jumped and looked at the kid standing beside me. It was Logan. Logan was the kid who got sent to the bookshelf corner because he said he would cook Patty like a burger if she kept stealing his crayons. It took my brain a full 5 seconds to figure out what he said to me.

“You scared me,” I put a hand on my chest and had a breather. “What do you mean?”

“You said your birthday was tomorrow. I kinda ‘sumed you would have a birthday party.”

He had listened to me? Huh. I thought everyone had ignored my quick introduction at the start of the day. “Oh, yeah, my Mama said I could have a party if I’ve got friends to invite, but so far I haven’t made any.” I admitted.

“Well, you have one now.” Logan smiled at me. His smile was longer on one side of his face, but I didn’t say anything about it. He grabbed his bookbag and the cap that was on top of it. It read Fierce Force PC, in blue, jagged letters.

He headed out to the hall. Everyone one was in clumps headed towards the glass doors leading outside, where cars awaited to pick up children. I ran after him.

“Hey, I know about Fierce Force! That’s where the police try to catch the evil gangster Crimmley once and for all! You watch that too?”

Logan’s mouth went into a line. “Pfft. I only hear about it every day. Jason’s my father.”

“Hold up, the main police man is your father!? Wait, buthis name is Jason Yinnerson and you’re Logan Smart,” I said.

“Well, my parents- you’re right about-Okay, let me start over,” Logan began. “Tommorrow, at recess, I’ll explain everything.”

I aggreed to meet him tommorrow at recess. As we walked towards the glass doors and went our separate ways, I contemplated my latest life decision. Jeez Louiz, who did I make my friend?

I ran outside and looked for Mama. Our small green car wasn’t too hard to spot. When She saw me he waved and smiled, and I smiled back.

I slid in the backseat and Mama turned and smiled at me. She had large, dark bags under her eyes and two empty coffee cups on the dashboard.

“Bye-bye, Kaiden!” yelled a squeaky voice.

I looked out. It was the girl who sat next to me all day. She smiled and-get this- blew me a kiss.

I wanted to gag, but to prove to Mama I’d been good the whole day, I just waved at her and said, “Bye Patty!”

Mama gasped and turned back to me. “Kaiden! You’ve got a girlfriend!?”

“No! Mama!” I said, my face wrinkled

She laughed. “Only kidding, calm down. How was school?”

“Good.” I smiled. And I really meant it.

“Did you make any friends?” she asked, driving out of school.

I nodded, though she couldn’t see me. “One.”

“Did you be nice, like I told you?”

“Yeah,” I said reluctantly.

“See, being nice can make you have a good day instead of a bad one. You’re a very handsome, kind, and creative boy, Kaiden. I knew if you just got those wheels of intelligence turning in your head you’d be popular at school. I’m glad you had a good day, that positive energy will help me power straight through tonight at work.” Mama huffed and frowned.

I put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re the best, Mama.”

Her smile grew again. I didn’t even tell her she forgot the jam tarts on the way home.

My latest novel, Shook, is being published to Hive in parts! See all released chapters in this post.

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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