He Was Sure of A Wonderful Holiday This Year End

Sen was so happy that night that he could think of nothing but his last holiday trip and Rita, whom he had met during his trip. He wanted to read the email again and again, which had come from Kolkata in the evening a few hours ago. He had read it many times before, but he couldn't stop himself, so he finally jumped out of bed and read the email again. He kept on reading and smiling. His face was gleaming with happiness.

He read that email once again.

18th of December, 2021

Dear Sen,

I am reaching London on the 24th of December, and I will be there for a few weeks. I have filed my passport for a visa. But I thought it would be wise if I filed multiple visas this time around. You know, I have a passion for travel, so it doesn’t let me sit in one spot. You also know that I wish and prefer to stay outside of my country for four to five months, so this time I planned to go to different places in different countries. But my first stop is London.

I will let you know which airline and which flight I am coming on. But you should reach the airport on time. Don’t make me wait, I dislike waiting anywhere. This Christmas and New Year, I intend to celebrate in London. I will never forget that sight of Trafalgar Square on New Year’s Eve when Big Ben starts ringing at twelve o’clock in the night. I hope this will be a memorable holiday for me.

I remember thousands of people standing there, forgetting their identity, race, color, and religion, but making cheerful noises. I still remember how they hugged each other, kissed, and wished a Happy New Year with lots of joy. People of every color and every religion looked alike to me as they were enjoying the New Year. The gathering of the people, the noise, the blazing sparklers, the fireworks, and the colorful lights present their flames separately, and the sky becomes a rainbow of colors. I always want to keep those moments in my memory.

Hehe, I feel the story is getting too far, so make sure you arrive at the airport on time. Please don’t make me wait.

Yours forever


Her email reminded Sen of his Kolkata holiday last year. Sen had some vivid memories of that trip. As long as Sen stayed in Kolkata and Delhi, he continued to have meetings with Rita. One afternoon, they were sitting at the Grand restaurant in Connaught Place. The weather was hot, the sun was about to set, and the wind had almost stopped. Sen was sipping beer while she was drinking black coffee and enjoying cheese dumplings.

Suddenly, Rita asked, "Sen, will you remember me when you go back to London?"

He explained to her, "You will always be with me."

She stared into his eyes as if trying to pierce through him. She said, with a faint smile, "I trust you," taking stock of his inner thoughts. Sen looked back in her eyes to assure her.

Sen said, rather philosophically, "This world is very beautiful. Life is priceless, absolutely precious. "

"Yes, she agreed, travel is fun, otherwise life will stop for me.


Every time they met, Sen found her to be more friendly, with a cheerful smile, and well-versed in worldly affairs. The friendship between the two of them was getting stronger. Rita had described herself as the country’s most famous heart surgeon. She had had different medical degrees by getting her higher education in Europe. Now she was trying to establish a hospital in the capital, which will cost billions of INR. Rita Hospital was her biggest dream.

She dreams day and night about her project because she has seen many countries and very large hospitals. Rita was born with a great passion for travel and holidays in different countries. She thought her love of travel took her to a different country every few months. Her desire to see a new city in a new country left her helpless.

"Good," Sen said, "and if you ever come to London, you are welcome to stay with me as long as you want to. If you ever come to London in the future, just inform me, please. "

Rita’s eyes brightened. She said, "I have seen London. I like that city. If I ever decide to visit, I will definitely meet you there. "


Sen took out his pen and wrote down his address and email ID and handed it to her. Image

After reading this email, Sen was imagining the last evening of the year with Rita. He could see that thousands of people were gathering in Trafalgar Square and on the surrounding streets. People’s shoulders were rubbing against each other. Everyone was waiting for the last moment to come to an end and for the New Year to start its journey.

He could feel Rita was standing behind him, holding him by her arm around his waist. Sen thought he was going to celebrate the best holidays of his life during the coming Christmas and New Year.

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