Losing my favorite object to carelessness

I'm not so lucky with gifts, but I do appreciate any I am opportune to get from my loved ones. This is why I cherish every gift I've received so far, but you know there is one that will be my favorite. Gifts can't be kept forever; there will be a time when some will get lost, destroyed, or have probably completed their lifespan, and their durability is no longer as good as when they were new. There are times when we have to let go of our favorite object, not because we don't need it anymore but because we can't guard against the unforeseen circumstances that may claim such an object and take it away forever, no matter how much we love it.

As a lady, it is expected of me to dress well and be a lover of jewelry, but I guess my case is different. I don't take so much pleasure in ornaments, but in some cases, I use them when necessary, but I don't allow them to rule over my dressing at all times. The only jewelry I use often is a wristwatch, and I love it to be part of my wardrobe always. This is why I love going for the beautiful ones. I feel incomplete without my wristwatch on, and it has become part of me since I came of age and I can afford to take care of myself. In this sense, those closer to me knew how much I love wristwatches, and they happen to be mostly part of my gifts.

"Do I need to ask you what you wanted for your birthday?" With a scornful look from my best friend, I smile because I don't know how to reply to her, but after a while, I was able to answer her as I rounded up my cleaning. "This year I want something special and spectacular," I responded with a bright smile. She scoffs and says, "What can be more spectacular than a silver wristwatch you've been eyeing since we last visited the store?" I wished I could tell her I didn't want the wristwatch, but I couldn't because I like the wristwatch and have been wanting to get it.

We had this conversation as my 23rd birthday was drawing near. "As a growing young lady, I don't know why a wristwatch could be all you can think of among the numerous gifts out there," my friend replied. She didn't like the idea of me buying wristwatches all the time, but she couldn't stop me because once I have an interest in something, it is very difficult to get my mind off it.

After the discussion that day, which happened to be two days before my 23rd birthday, I already had it in mind to get myself the silver wristwatch that I saw on my last visit to the store as my birthday gift, unaware that my friend already had her plan also. "I decided to spice up your birthday this year by not giving you the regulars", my friend said to me a day before my birthday. "Well, I'll appreciate anything you give; of all people, you should know that," I responded as I gave her a nasty look in a joking manner, though. She has been my friend for 5 years and counting, so I can say she knows me to some extent, and this makes me so comfortable with her because we are more or less like sisters.

Finally, my birthday arrived on October 29, just like a normal day. I was rolling on my bed feeling lazy to get up when I heard multiple knocks on my door. "Will you fall it off?" was the question I asked whoever it was that was knocking before I struggled up to get the door. As I opened the door sluggishly, I saw my friend standing with a parcel in her hand. "Why don't you sleep till noon, Jonah?" was the first thing that came out of her mouth before she wished me a happy birthday with a hug and multiple pecks on my cheeks.

At that moment, I didn't know how to reply to her or what to do to her. I gave her a bright smile as she entered, and with her singing a birthday song on different keys, I could only laugh. "Singing is not your way; stop struggling," I said to her. "I tried; manage it like that," she replied as she dumped the parcel on my thigh. "I don't know what this is, but I have a feeling it's going to be something I cherish," I said to her as I started to unravel the mysteries packed together.

I opened some, and I was glad as she got me my favorite chocolates, candies, and other junk I love taking. I shook the last box and said, "This looks special; it better be what I will like." She shook her head at my naughtiness, and I opened the box. With a bright smile on my face, I gave her a hug that nearly choked her. Inside the box was the beautiful silver wristwatch I had in mind to buy for myself today, which is my birthday. "There is your baby," she said as she patted me gently on my cheek. She made my day. I was so happy that day, and I couldn't thank her enough. On our way to my birthday celebration, I put on the wristwatch, and the glitter on it looked so beautiful and mature as I flaunted my wristwatch for people to see.

Image credit is mine

After that day, I wore the wristwatch almost every day as it became my favorite object, but unfortunately, I couldn't hold on to it for long as I lost it due to my carelessness. One day I wore it to school, and I had to perform a practical, which involves me taking off every accessory I'm putting on my wrist or fingers. I took off my favorite object, which is my newly gifted wristwatch, and placed it on the table beside me as I did the necessary things concerning my practical. Moving from one place to another, I left it lying on the table beside my spot, a colleague spotted it on the table and asked how much it cost and where I got it from which she will love to get one for herself.

"Do you mind passing it for me to see?" I picked it up where I placed it and as I was about to get it to her, it dropped into the concentrated chemical in the jar. I couldn't pick it up immediately as the chemical is harmful to my hand, I beckon my coordinator with a loud voice and came running thinking something went wrong. I narrated my ordeal and she immediately diluted the chemical, with the glove on my hand, I dipped my hand into the jar to get my favorite object out but it was too late as it was destroyed more than repaired. I was furious, I didn't know what to do at that instance, so I left angrily with pain in my heart. Losing the wristwatch was a painful one for me because I cherished it so much.

Image source

I regretted putting it on to school that day and regretted more that I didn't put it in my bag immediately I removed it from my wrist. I tried to get another one but the exact design wasn't available anymore, I couldn't bring myself to go for another design except for the one I lost so I gave up and wallowed in the pain of losing it for a while.

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