The looting-The ink well Creative Nonfiction Prompt #39.

Source of pixabay

Since I was a child I liked to go to school, I started at Colegio Santa Teresita de Jesús, since we lived in the center of Cumaná. My mother with her five children. We had to emigrate to Barrio Bolivar. Since my mother was awarded a house, paying 30 bolivars a month with the right to property. In that sector I was enrolled in the Bolivarian school, there I excelled in my studies, especially in the cultural part.

It was a small school, built on a hill in a physical area of about 100 square meters. Distributed in 2 classrooms for classes, the direction, the dining room, and a hallway. In addition 10 steps to climb and access the entrance and exit of the school.

At that time, the economic situation in the country was very incipient. There were very poor children who wore espadrilles. Their parents did not have the financial resources to buy them shoes. Leonides was a seamstress, she made my uniform and bought my shoes. In that school I made my best friends, among them, my teachers, whom I still remember with love. I was a class delegate since I entered that school.

When I left 6th grade I was enrolled in the Liceo José Silverio González. That is in the same sector where I live, I have always had a sense of belonging to both schools. In these institutes I acquired a lot of knowledge, which served me as a basis, when I entered to study at the University of Nucleo de Sucre. Where I received my higher education, I feel that this institution belongs to me, since it is a cultural heritage where my husband, my children and I acquired knowledge that has allowed us to develop as people. Just as we are part of them, many generations have been part of them and the generations to come will be part of them as well.

Last year. I heard on the radio that University had been robbed and its facilities were destroyed. I wanted to make sure of that reality. I went there, praying to God that what I heard was a lie.

When I arrived. My heart shrank like a prune. To my surprise, I observed that its entire physical plant had been destroyed and looted, only ruins remained.

At the entrance to the University, the Faculty of Social Sciences was damaged. The Faculty of Administration building was also looted. A few kilometers away is the building of the School of Sciences, with a fairly large physical plant where the area of Pure Physics Education, the area of Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, where students who study these specialties receive classes, and perform their experiments in the competent laboratories, according to their specialty.

The amphitheaters were also destroyed. The administrative offices for each professor and for the administrative staff. In addition to a newspaper library on the second floor. All these buildings were victims of unhealthy hands, like rapacious birds of prey, they destroyed them.
In the Basic Courses area they burned the auditorium, the General Library, books, theses and computer equipment, which constituted a computerized system for teaching. Within this area is the Basic Courses building (there was nothing to take, they did not touch it).
From the area where the dining room is located, some supplies and equipment for preparing food were taken, but (they did not damage the facilities).

The Oceanographic Institute that coordinates the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Specialty in Marine Biology was also ransacked and burned.

They also destroyed and stole the facilities located in Cerro del Medio where the Dean's Office, the Administrative and Academic Coordination, the Personnel Direction and other offices that exercise the Direction and Management of this Nucleus are located. The Scientific Research Institute was not harmed, because there is an area where they do experiments and there are accumulated bacteria.

When I went down the hill to return to my house, Mr. Sanchez and the Librarian, Tirsa Velasquez were coming in their car, they invited me to get in, to take me to my house, while we were going, Sanchez asked me:

What did you think of the disaster at the Nucleus?"

"That disaster I compare it as a crime against humanity, with that looting they harmed a collective, condemning their rights, to receive their knowledge in an environment, different from the one we had".

I could not hold back my tears and I conveyed them to him, we cried together."

Tirsa added:

"That was a great harm that was done to our House of Studies, especially to the students and to those of us who work there."

Licenciado Sanchez added:

"The authorities of the Rectorate did not let the security forces act in time. They maintained that if this Security penetrated the Nucleus facilities it was going to violate the university autonomy."

I replied:

That attitude, that those villains, looters, who remain anonymous, had. Enjoying a freedom they do not deserve, since they acted in the most vile and criminal manner. This action of these evildoers hurts me in the deepest part of my being, because I feel that this University belongs to me, besides I was formed in it and for 25 years, I worked as Administrative in the Technical Processes Section of the General Library of this University Center. Today I am retired and receive all the benefits contemplated in the labor agreement.

Currently, the students of this Nucleus attend classes in other spaces outside this university campus, as do the workers and administrative personnel who work in this Nucleus, since our cultural heritage is in ruins.

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