Night soundproofing - The InkWell Fiction Prompt # 131

Source from pixabay

Lunita, as she was called in her town, did not sleep at night but during the day, she explained that it was a consequence of insomnia that she suffered since she was very young, she lived with her grandmother and her mother, who washed clothes at home. The young girl grew into a beautiful young woman.

She attended the feast f her village, in honor of San Bruno, which was adorned with several bouquets of a flower, which gives off a very pleasant aroma. That night the lights went out in the village for a long time.

That did not prevent the celebration from taking place, they began to launch the fireworks into the sky, which frightened the stars, which, full of fear, were hidden among the clouds.

In that immense clarity, Lunita saw a very handsome gentleman, about 35 years old. He never tired of looking at her intensely, with his big black eyes like a jet, she pretended not to notice him. In a few seconds, the gentleman approached her with some of those very fragrant flowers, and said:

"They are for you."

Her cheeks blushing like a ripe strawberry, She takes them, and inhales their scent and then exhales it. Adding,

" Umm, how nice they smell".

"It has your scent, of a pretty woman"

Where did you get those flowers?

"They are Colombian, I brought them to San Bruno, by order of my mother. Besides, I'm a freelance reporter. I came to cover this event

She ask him:

"Are you leaving soon?

"No, I am also working as a night watchman at the bakery."

Then she subtly takes his other hand and adds":

"My name is Arturo Candurí, I arrived in this town fifteen days ago, where were you hiding?".

She answers:

"In my house, I was not hiding. You don't see me, because I sleep during the day".

"Can you explain to me?

"I suffer from nocturnal insomnia."

He smiles sarcastically and Ella adds:

"If you want to talk to me you can come by my house after 4 o'clock in the afternoon".

At that party the light came to town and the party started

Lunita and Arturo danced and talked until dawn, thus creating a good friendship between them.

Every day around five o'clock in the afternoon he would visit her at her house. When it was 7:00 p.m. he would say goodbye, to go to his job as a watchman

As the months went by, the spike of love was born between them. When they were together, she longed for him to propose to her, to live together, even if it was in concubinage. But that proposal never came out of his mouth.

That love was growing with an immense force inside her, like the waters of the sea in undertow. But it was nothing more than a platonic love, on his part.

Several months passed. Lunita's grandmother fell ill and became seriously ill.

At that moment, Arturo disappeared. He was never seen again in that town. Several months passed and the young girl, who did not sleep at night, thought about her beloved until dawn.In a few days hergrandmother died.

They took her to the cemetery to give her a final burial. In the cemetery, Lunita cries inconsolably, tears come out of her eyes like the water crystals when they slide over the dam, to fall into the rest of the river.
Her mother embraces her and says:

"Calm down, you will get sick,". Her mother pulls her out of the crowd of people in the cemetery and takes her to a grave a little further on.

Lunita looks at the tombstone and notices a framed photo on a glass frame that is tarnished by time, but still shows the vivid image of Arturo. He slides his eyes and reads the identity of that grave, printed:

"Arturo Candurí (November 17, 1932. Died December 20, 1980).
Her face acquired a pallor, similar to the magnolia flower. She could not prevent her throat from emitting a scream:

"Oh no how is it possible, that I am in love with a man, who existed in another century, it was only a ghost who claimed to love me and with whom I fell in love!".

Lunita got used to harboring the love of that ghost in her heart, she grew old alone. She had no room for another love in her heart.

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