Controversy- The ink well Creative Nonfiction Prompt # 37.

In 1989, all the children of my mother, Leonides, were married and independent, each one of us had a family constituted as required by law. We lived on the property of our own homes. Aurora is the third of the sisters, by then her eldest daughter, María Antonieta, was 15 years old. She made the decision, along with her husband, Antonio. To celebrate her birthday in an annex of my mother's house, which was outdoors under the shade of some mango and guava trees, and a wooden palisade where a purple grape plant rested, which provided ample shade for us.

On February 6, around noon, we cleaned and decorated the space where the party would be held under the grapevine, we placed a large table, there we put the "pasa palos", refractory trays with kid stew, baked chicken, garden rice, and platters with slices of bread. On another table we placed the "chocolatera" and the cake. That space invited us to delight ourselves with those dishes. Near a mango tree, a cooler with beers and bags of ice. Next to it, bottles of liquor. Under the other trees, tables with chairs. The guests were us, with a special guest, John Padilla, brother of my brother-in-law Hermes.Just as we finished decorating, my mother arrived with a tray with several small cups of coffee on it. We sat down for a while to enjoy the coffee and to talk. We began by detailing what our characters are. Aurora said:

"The most obnoxious of us is Miguel, on the other hand, Hernán is very strict, María Teresa, the intellectual, has few friends. Ramona and I like to dance and we have many friends"

. My mother, very excited, replied:

"Daughters, you see the fingers of my hands" "Yes!" "Aren't they the same?" "Yes!"

"So are the children, different, their characters are not the same, they are different from each other".

He took a deep breath, while thinking then went on to add:

"That's the reason why Miguel, is the most repellent and that's what makes the difference from the others!"

Aurora commented:

"Thank you mother for your explanation. But we have to retire to get ready".

That night the stars in the sky shone with a radiance that radiated happiness, as did the moon, projecting that light towards us who accompanied María Antonieta, with her pink dress tight to her body, which outlined her figure, an attire in her hair, which made her more beautiful than she is.

At 9:00 p.m. that same day, the quinceañera began to dance the Waltz with her father, then with Aurora, followed by her uncles, brothers, cousins, friends and other family members.

The party started immediately, with the sound system. Then we enjoyed the waiter service, the "pasa palos" and the exquisite culinary dishes.

Late at night, around four in the morning. Maria Teresa got garbage in her eyes, Leonides blew in her eye and prayed: "Santa Lucia, take this filth out of her eye", and repeated it 3 times. Juan, a little drunk, approaches and adds:

"After the last lost eye, Saint Lucia is not worth it!.

Miguel, who was a little too drunk, approached him and answered: "Juan, that's not so, it's that after the last nail, Santa Lucia is no good!". These phrases generated differences between these two men, who shouted obscene words at each other, even hitting each other. As a consequence, the party ended.

Then María Antonieta, with her siblings, cousins , went to her grandmother's room to look through the gifts. With the first one she uncovered, was very excited and shouted: "How beautiful, they are my grandmother's earrings, she gave them to me! All those present with her shouted, "Urrah!, we congratulate you!". Once they finished checking the gifts. As dawn was breaking, we all returned to our homes.

This is a non-fiction story
I hope you like it
The image is from Pixabay
I used Translator Deepl
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