The Ink Well Prompt #51: THE MESSY WEDDING

Photo by: Ibrahim Boran

The wedding ceremony of Binta and Josh would be taking place the next day which is Saturday. The groom's family stays in another state with just three hours drive to the bride's family house. They already picked a venue for the wedding which isn't far to the bride's house. Everything was intact and ready to take off the next day.

Binta's family urged the groom's family to get a nearby hotel to stay so as not to delay the next day or inconvenience the guests coming around. Few guests from overseas were already around and waiting to witness such glamorous wedding celebration.

The groom's family insisted they sleep at their house and would be on the road early in the morning since the program would start by 10am on Saturday. They all agreed together and wished themselves success in the programme.

The next day, everywhere was bubbling with different music being played. The hall was decorated with Cream and Gold color which made it look so much attractive to the eyes. The bride was seen upstairs with the make up artist and she was also getting in touch with her husband to be.

Things were going smoothly as the guests were coming in. When it was 12pm, they were still expecting the groom and his family. They were in touch which they assured them they would be there soon. Guests were already complaining and almost getting up to leave since the event hasn't started yet. Some murmured their far away distance while others were still patient enough.

It was 1pm, they kept trying their numbers but this time around, all phones were switched off. At this moment, they were getting worried. The bride's sister went to meet her sister who is now pacing up and down, with frown face. She was already getting tired and same time trying to reach Josh but the number kept repeating switched off.

The guests have started leaving and just when Binta's mother was about calling again, cars drove in.

Madam, they're here...said one of the guests who was outside.

At this time, it was 3pm. When they entered, they all apologized and explained what happened. They were attacked and robbed on the way and all their phones were taken from them.

Binta's parents were shocked but thanked God nothing bad happened.

The pastor opened the event and both couple were pronounced husband and wife. The guests ate to their satisfaction and went their ways.

It was an interesting wedding for those who were around to grace the wedding.
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