THE DRUG SPY2- A Crime Fiction

Please read part one before you proceed one



She walked briskly into Armando's mansion as she greets the security guards with a smile on her face. One thing about Lilly-Val is that she posses an elegant smile that takes the heart of many.

She walks towards the worker's quarters and saw Miss Felicia, the head of the staff in Armando's mansion.
"Good morning ma". Instead of responding to her pleasantries. Miss Felicia eyed her, "so it took you two weeks to take care of your sick grandmum?'
" Ma, I am sorry but her health condition was that bad, I had to stay with her till she was feeling better" Lilly apologized.
"Yeyenyen... Excuses upon excuse Jenny, like it was up to me you could have been out from this mansion, don't know the kind of magic you are using on Boss Eduardo that makes him to still retain you despite your failures and ill attitude to work" Felicia spoke looking at Lilly with so much hate.

"I am sorry ma," Lilly said with her head facing the ground.
"Safe your apologies Jenny and get back to work Felicia" yelled at her and Lilly walked fastly into the worker's quarters and drop off her luggage.

Getting to her room. She faced the mirror determined to finish her mission, as she remembered the words her father told her in the underground that she her never be reliant and to be the best spy known as Jenny in Armando's mansion.

Tears run from her eyes when she remembered the incident that occurred three days back. All she wanted was to have a vacation from being a spy and to be Lilly-Val Antonio but her rest was put forth when the Armando's showed up unexpectedly. Her family, the Antonio's never laid or spill the blood of an Armando but Freddie was ready to take her life even though she felt guilt for taking a life and for causing her lover Edgar pain she decided not to let it get in the way of her mission as a spy.

She saw what happened as self-defense, and if Edgar could have found out she is an Antonio and a spy, she could have been six feet below now. As Edgar made it known to her that he doesn't pardon backstabbing and treason plus the way Edgar rained fire on her little vacation house despite the screaming of her father's men when he saw his elder brother died, was a good reason to stay focus and shut down her feelings even though she don't want to see Edgar hurt.


Lilly-Val walked into Edgar's office with a tray containing juice and cookies. She didn't bother to knock as she was already sharing his bed. Edgar was standing beside a window smoking pipe. She dropped the tray on the table and hug him from behind, "I'm sorry my love" was the first words that came from her mouth.
"I have to get back immediately when I heard from Ma Angelita (the head cook) about what happened, I grieve with you my love ". Lilly spoke as she stretches her 5'6ft height to be able to plant a kiss on 6ft Edgar's cheek while still hugging him from behind.

Edgar's' response was something she expects. "Thanks for the juice and cookies, Jenny. But right now is not the best time to play a romance with a little girl still confuse about what she wants in life "

"Ed_gar..." Lilly called feeling hurt but he cut her short "Jenny you should take your leave now" he said with a terror look.
Lilly was about walking away confused with racing thoughts on her mind. When Miss Felicia walled in, Lilly greeted her and was about closing the door. When she saw Miss Felicia kissing Eduardo intensely. She bangs the door and walked into her room hitting the wall with a fist remembering what her best friend told her that a 40 years old man can't love a 21 years old girl.
She was bitter that Eduardo only took as just a fling and instead of every other little heartbreaking girl who will choose to cry their eyes she chooses to hurt her hands as she increases her pace hitting the wall and didn't realize when someone walked in.

Jenny, what's going on? Ma Angelita questioned seeing something so astonishing to her.
Those words calm Lilly down as she relaxes her hands from the wall.


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