Born Again


Kingsley wasn’t a religious man. He saw stories of heaven and hell as ridiculous. He always told anyone that cared to listen that the second coming was never coming. Spirits and ghost only happen in movies and none of that was real. “If it can’t be proven by science it doesn’t exist” He would always say.

And although he wasn’t a religious man, he always enjoyed it when the Jehovah witness come knocking on his door in hopes of sharing the goodnews with him, then he would engage them in arguments that always ended up in his favor. The satisfaction he gets when they walk away defeated simply because they couldn’t prove to him how a bush was on fire without actually getting burnt or how a stick turned into a snake and swallowed other snakes and then turned back into a stick.

He even became famous among the preachers as the guy you do not go to preach to, but all of that changed one fateful Sunday morning as Kingsley enjoyed his meal of rice and stew at a local restaurant down his street. He was done with his meal but needed extra as he wasn’t satisfied, when two men walked into the restaurant and one of them called out the name of the woman serving the food.

The moment the lady turned around and saw the face of the man, the strangest thing Kingsley had ever seen happened, she disappeared. Probably there was a way science could explain that but Kingsley along with everyone else at the restaurant were not interested in any form of explanation at the moment as they all took to their heels. They ran like they were been chased by thieves and everyone who saw them running joined them without even the slightest clue as to why they were running.

Majority of them, including Kingsley ran into the nearest church seeking for sanctuary. It had taken the pastor along with some of the church members a while to calm down everyone and when they were calmed, the pastor demanded to know what was chasing them and that was when the man who had called out the name of the restaurant owner before she disappeared stepped forward.

He told them how the woman was his late wife who died three years ago in the east. And how one of his friends had told him about the sighting of his wife at a local restaurant somewhere very far in the west, so he had decided to come see for himself only for her to disappear the moment she saw him.

By the time the man was done with his story, everyone who ate at the restaurant were already on their knees crying and praying for forgiveness. Everyone of them including Kingsley refused to leave the church premises until the pastor agreed to give them some anointing oil to drink. It was a shocking scene as they all watched Kingsley gulp down the oil. Who would have thought that a man with no faith yesterday would be in the house of God today, trying to push down as much anointing oil as he could down his throat.


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