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That moment when I thought I lost you


Hello, HIVE world, in this short story, it took only a moment, the reunion with her past, to change all expectations. . . Or at least what I thought of her.

In the hospital room, surrounded by wires connected to monitors, who registered her vital signs with strident beeps; Rosa a sweet looking old woman, lays on the stretcher, breathing with an oxygen mask; it seems that she sleeps peacefully in spite of the stressful environment.

Manuel, Rosa's husband, walks from one side to the other in the hallway, looks at the reflection of the ceiling lamps on the polished floor, those sounds disturb him, dismayed by the state of his wife's health, he asks the doctor, who has just examined the patient.

-Doctor, and now what am I going to do without her?

The doctor with a not very expressive face placed his hand on the old man's shoulder and kept silent, and then he gave instructions to the nurse.

The old man looked at him and asked again:

-What will become of my life now?

The old man's gaze seemed to get lost in the distance and in time, for a moment he was reunited with his memories, and they all came to him, like an avalanche.

Suddenly, as if a light illuminated him, the old man went to the bed where his wife was and without hesitation he said to his wife:

-Come on, I'll free you from me!

Now I understand that I did not know how to make you happy.

I know that the only way for both of us to be happy, is for you to follow the light, without fear. . . Go towards the light! . . . Go!

The old man smiled, he felt liberated from a burden that he carried almost without noticing it; the doctor listened to him, before this strange scene, he said to him:

-Manuel, your wife will not die, I just did some tests and an endoscopy, she is under sedation and will wake up soon. . . Don't worry, she will go home with you this very night.

The doctor patted him on the shoulder to reassure him, but the old man's face changed, and he asked himself again, this time with greater anguish:

-And now, what will I do with my life?

With his head down, he withdrew to the waiting room, with a great heaviness. During the minutes he thought he was losing her, the old man remembered all the moments of tension, mistreatment, the agony of living the last few years with his wife, and just for a minute he could see himself free of it.

Now he was very conscious of what he was taking home.

Thanks for reading me

That moment when I thought I lost you, is a short story of my creation.
Ramses O Perez G, Doctor, occasional writer of light narrative