Dreams will stay dreams when you fail to put in the work.

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"Being born into a poor family shouldn't stop you from dreaming; even your dad's death shouldn't be a hindrance. Dream boy, dream big." Chike's uncle tried to encourage him to never stop dreaming.

Chike's family has moved from one state to another in search of a greener pasture ever since his dad passed on, but moving to different states did not help them get things right. His mom, who is now the head of the family, works at least 14 hours a day just to see that they have something to eat and at least clothes to wear.

"Chike I know you have dreams of furthering your education, but I really cannot sponsor you through college with this little that I am earning, and none of your uncles want to help; they just keep sending in words of encouragement." Chike's mother said to Chike with tears in her eyes.

"I totally understand, mom. You have already given us your best; I was able to round up high school, and it's all thanks to you." Chike replied as he left the sitting room for his favorite place in front of the house.

"Why is life so unfair to me? I keep moving in circles; whenever I feel like I have started making progress, I end up finding myself at my starting point again, or am I a fool for dreaming and hoping that things will change?" Chike sat under a tree in front of his house and asked himself thousands of questions.

"Hmmhmmhmm," Jude Chike's friend tried to call him back to reality since he had been standing there for a minute or two, and Chike didn't even notice.

"Oh Jude, you are here." Chike said as he rushed to bring another chair.

"Joseph the dreamer, I see you are at it again, you and those very big dreams of yours again. You will cause yourself to be hypertensive". Jude said to Chike

"You know how bad I want to become an engineer, bro. It has been my childhood dream, and now I feel like I am a fool for ever dreaming that someday I will become an engineer." Chike replied

Chike poured out his heart to Jude, and even Jude saw the need to help him make his dream a reality.

"Do you know that if you don't put in the work, your dreams will stay dreams?" Jude asked Chike

"What do you mean by that?" Chike responded

"Well, you don't work; you just sit down under this tree and imagine things. How about you come and work where I am working alongside other menial jobs for a year, save up, and then next year you apply for college?" Jude said to Chike

"I have been trying to get a job, but nobody wants to offer me any, so I gave up trying," Chike replied.

"Tomorrow, as early as 8 a.m., meet me at the bus stop." Jude said as he left.

Chike was filled with excitement; he really could not wait for the next day. At least with Jude's assurance, he was sure it was going to work out, and after a year, things might turn around like he dreamed of. Once again, his hopes were high, and he was hopeful again. The next day, they met at the bus stop and made their way to Jude's workplace.

"So you are Jude's friend whom he vouched for. I hope you don't disappoint us and your friend. Jude has been a good boy, and I trust him to bring more people like him and not the opposite." The manager said to Chike

"Yes, sir, I will not disappoint you." Chike responded

"The secretary went on leave, so you will be standing in for her for the next one year. So do your best to achieve your reason for being here, because Jude told me everything. I am rooting for you." The manager said this as he welcomed Chike to the company.

Chike left the office smiling and could not thank Jude enough. Time flies, and Chike was able to raise more than what he needed to apply for college. At least that would go a long way for him. He applied for college, and it was time to quit work and pursue his dream. The manager bid him farewell, and out of his own benevolence, he gave him a farewell gift to support his cause.

"You just have to start the mission before you think of how to complete it. As long as you have started, we will find a way to see that you complete it." Jude said to Chike

"Yeah, thank you, my friend; in the end, I was not a fool for dreaming. This alone is the beginning of great things. I owe you, the manager, and the company everything. I am forever grateful." Chike said as he boarded a bus.

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