When "Plan B" Offers More Than Expected

Aura belonged to a middle class family. She wanted to support her parents as she recently completed her degree in culinary arts. Now she made up her mind that she would do the job as a chef and here comes a day when she recieve her appointment letter now her next mission was to pass the interview .

After a lot of thinking, She decided to make the pasta with tomato and basil on the selection day, because she knew how to make pasta with tomato and basil well.She buys all the ingredients which inculdes: pasta packs, oil, garlic, tomatoes, salt, papers, and basil leaves. Now she was fully prepared, but still she was little worried.

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On the day of selection she thought that she is fully prepared, but when the time started, she started taking out the pasta ingredients and keeping them outside.Meanwhile she didn't find the pasta packets.Now she got really worried about what would happen now, thankfully her mind offer her Plan B immediately.

She remembered that her mother fed her Basil Bruschetta when she was a child. Now she decided to make Basil Bruschetta. She knew all the recipes well because she helped her mother while making it, so she learned the recipe well.But the problem is that she doesn't have bread to make Basil Bruschetta.She asked the neighbour’s girl for bread. The girl helped her.Now she starts peraping Basil Bruschetta with bread and remaining ingredients of pasta with tomato and basil.

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Lastly, the judges was unimpressed due to her carelessness but after tasting her food they realised that no doubt she have talent and she won the competition and was selected as the head chef.

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