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A piece of Bread

Since they were all heading to Karachi, everyone was overjoyed. They were leaving for a lengthy journey after a while, but Hamza was depressed. At seven years old, Hamza was not prepared to travel to Karachi with his parents. He always felt that he was not receiving the love and care that he was due from his parents that's why he keep them self away from his parents and family and spend most of time alone. He wanted him not to go on the trip with his family because he was becoming used to being by himself and didn't particularly enjoy fun activities. This was the reason he still didn't go on the trip.


Nobody knew the innermost thoughts that were running through Hamza's mind; all his parents wanted was to remove him from this environment and place him in a better one, as they felt that this was the cause of his behavior.

Amidst these contemplation's, the night came to an end, the sun emerged, and a fresh day dawned. Everyone was loading up the car with their possessions with excitement. Everybody had a bag with everything they required in it. Two of his parents and the other five siblings made up the group of seven including hamza.
These seven people had to get into the only visible vehicle that was inside the entrance. Traveling from Punjab to Karachi is an extremely lengthy trip.

Hamza hid in a spot within the home as everyone else sat in the car.Since no one seemed to know where Hamza was, it's possible that he was correct to believe that his parents weren't showing him the respect and love he so richly deserved. Disregarding, they departed from Hamza.

Even though he doesn't like any of the people in his house, Hamza, who is seven years old, was suddenly alone in the house and found the silence to be unsettling. He also began to feel the absence of his family members severely. Hours later, he began to feel really hungry.

He opened the refrigerator to find nothing but a piece of bread; he wasn't a big fan of this kind of bread and hadn't even discovered his favorite Nutella. He was missing his mom a lot, as she would usually bring him chocolate-flavored bread. He looked all over the kitchen, sometimes beneath the shelf and sometimes behind the cupboard, trying desperately to find the toaster machine. At last, his search was fruitful, and he located the toaster machine. However, how is it possible for a seven-year-old to learn how to use the toaster?

He grabbed the toaster and made a valiant attempt to insert the bread, but it kept flying out. Bread refused to put his lovely face in the toaster and make it brown. Furthermore, he was unaware that a toaster requires electricity. After a considerable amount of time passed with no color change, Hamza removed the bread, turned it over, and replaced it in the toaster. To turn on his machine, he needs to insert the toaster machine's wire into the switch.

He turned on the machine, but he was unsure of how long to leave it running. When he went to check on the toast and toaster machine after waiting for roughly ten minutes, a very dark black object—his Poor Bread—emerged from it. He took the toaster and started eating when he realized how burnt it was. He wanted to take the toaster to his mother and cry so hard.

He threw the burnt toast in the trash and got fresh bread for a second try. He put the bread in the toaster and waited for a minute, and when he eventually took it out, it looked exactly like her mother's. He was thrilled that he had succeeded at last. As soon as he finished eating, he heard the phone ring behind him.
He rushed to phone and pickup by saying "hello" who is there? his father answer with tense voice "son! where are you?" In response, he responded, "I'm at home, dad." His father was taken aback and give phone to his mother. Mom picked up the phone and began to wail, "My dear son, where have you gone?"

Putting down the phone, he inhaled deeply, not realizing how angry his parents were at him for his actions. Her parents came home after a few hours of waiting, calling off their trip and going back to be with their child. Though Hamza's parents were very upset and told him many unpleasant things and yelled at him, he was satisfied because he had learned a lot from the event and that day might have been the greatest day of his life maybe unforgettable. This concludes our tale.

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