The last Exam



Being a doctor was all his parents wanted from him and he had tried his best to keep to the promise he made. A doctor, is what he must be. After all of the struggles of reading, attending lectures, doing assignments, and marking himself present in the class attendance, his final examination was finally at hand.

To prepare for the exam he spent most of the day going through the materials and trying to find any errors and errors. He would never get a better chance than this to make sure there were no holes in his knowledge or if he missed something important.

The time before the exam was almost over but he still couldn’t stop thinking about it. What if he didn’t pass? If he wasn’t good enough for them…for his mother. What if they disowned him because he failed and ruined everything?

It felt like only seconds before the final bell sounded and everyone got up and left one by one.
They went straight into the exam hall, and the examination began. Most of the examinees passed with flying colors but some did not so the professor had to give special attention to those who weren't ready.

When he was finished with the examination, he looked at the list the professor handed out and saw that every exam except two were done with full marks and he breathed a small sigh of relief. He would go back home and relax after exams, maybe watch some TV. There was nothing he liked more than doing something relaxing.

As he walked out of the exam room towards the exit he was stopped by someone grabbing his arm and pulling him back. He spun around in shock to see his sister standing there holding onto the sleeve of his coat.

"father is seriously sick," she cried " he had been diagnosed with blood cancer and the doctor said there is nothing he can do anymore to help, except he undergoes a surgery", she continued looking down "I know how much you want to be a doctor and take care of people, but I also know that he has always been your inspiration, even when we were kids. I am begging you, please take care of him".

He looked up into her tear-filled eyes and he smiled weakly. but there was nothing he could do, he only just passed his exams. He had just known become and fate dealt him a heavy card. why lord? he said to himself. It seemed as though the answer would never come.

a few weeks later, his father underwent the surgery, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. the was no problem insight. Everyone was happy.

One morning, he woke up to find his father, dead. with a note that said, "in life or in death, I will always be proud of you. Live your life without regrets. I love you son, my one and only doctor".

He cried...

The end

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