Remarkable tales from the life of Fingy of the Jinch clan

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

Lore is what everyone demanded, and in this day with such creatures as the dear Jinch, all are good story tellers. So there sat a very dear creature of the Jinch species , very comfortable and lazy but jolly good he is no other than the famous Fingy whose adventures are narrated else where in the ‘Jinch story’.

Jinch creatures are fat and pinky, loved merry making, were rather non-historical creatures , never in the history or any ancient stories of this planet ‘Adad Im ‘ or the Terry (sister planet of an ancient blue planet called earth) , were they much talked about but this story concerns the Jinches about whom obviously much will be said.

The ever enchanting adobe of Fingy - The LiteMall

Image by Lisa Che from Pixabay

Anyway Fingy lived in a place called LiteMall.
His home if you did visit will be just the pleasant kind with tea on the hearth, sweet smelling cakes, the most excellent wines , juices , and coffe of just the perfect sort with any flavour you can think of - chocolate, mint ,creamy vanilla name it.
Image by Vinson Tan ( 楊 祖 武 ) from Pixabay

LiteMall was situated near the garden of Sam, whose the best gardener in the city of Jinches ‘Jinner land’ . His son Sam II offered his gardening services to Fingy’s young nephew ‘Bingy’ on which maybe something maybe learnt here.

Image by dandelion_tea from Pixabay

Fingy's LiteMall Home was conical, he built it in memory of the wizard’s hat, it had some magic to scare away evil in the city. It had what you can call a wizard’s laugh, a wizard who many know as Kingalf who is a disciple of a very legendary wizard called Gandalf .

Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

However, in truth Kingalf only read about Gandalf, from sources of an another time , a lore story written in earth whose name is not going to be mentioned here (although you can guess it surely ).

Melodious fumes of Tabbot at LiteMall


This Conical home of Fingy oozed the smell of herb ‘Tabbot’ , a herb in alternative to cigarette tobacco got by a Jinch ancestor old boy Tomtop who was a musical botanist at his time . The BlackPipper music or the TabbotPipper music, Tomtop had played with his musical pipe called harmonica, an instrument where wind can produce different rymhes and tones with an additional feature of pipe smoking .

Well Fingy had Tabbot fumes as he had a fairy pet FishFingy, a creature he saved from the sea of Cassilica in the adventure of which is mentioned in the ‘Jinch story’.

Fingy’s fair FishFingy, the precious pet somewhere inside LiteMall

Image by loulou Nash from Pixabay

FishFingy was a fair fishy whose eyes where clear and she was a intelligent fish not like the decorative fishes in aquariums. Her swimming is like sail dancing and she can jump and loves to be petted. She is pure silver silk , she can blow Tabbot bubbles and fumes if a fish pipe was floating in her basic.

Her palace is like Fingy’s home itself , flowers and shells with smell of nectar whose smell cures bad thoughts and a repellant to bad head aches. Fingy who adopted FishFingy was born on a sea rose petal and she might be the fairy fish whose story is mentioned again elsewhere. Her life is sparkling and so very long and if Fingy wanted he could have sold her for a price of the world un-estimatable but Fingy would never do that.

Merry pet FishFingy

Image by Angeline 1 from Pixabay

FishFingy lived in Fair Isles inside LiteMall , it seems she was a lost sad fishy, but with Fingy she was ever happy, merry just like the Jinches. Bingy and his cousins - Ninfy, Hingy , Dingy, Minsi played with FishFingy and of this remarkable creature Minsi has written a book , ‘FishFingy silver mermade’ of which naught has been mentioned here.

FishFingy was the only fishy that knew how to give a ‘hi-fi’ and give a Gentle handshake , Fingy trained her giving her his most delicious crubs from cakes , he made speacially for her. It had corn, butter , batter and some fish food ingredient which is unknown .

The evergreen LiteMall with the echo of a wizard’s laughter is ever Merry

Image by klimkin from Pixabay

LiteMall was ever EverGreen in flavour. Sam’s garden surrounded it, and the view from LiteMall was evergreen.

Kingalf’s laugh wave is emitted because of the release of his stored echo , and when the wind blows the echo sort of bounces or a evil radiation activates the echo of the laugh which is in-between the walls of the house. Fingy was a remarkable man with remarkable things most of which has come after his adventures of which is mentioned somewhere else(You heard it before, it’s in The Jinch Story).

A poem on Fingy’s lovely LiteMall by his nephew Bingy

Image by andreas160578 from Pixabay

‘when ignites the light out of the sun in day ,
Hear him sing with the harmonica in the Mall called LiteMall,
And watch the gardener tend the best garden in a trance of pleasantness,
And there blooms near LiteMall beauty of the Jinner land.
Lily special is called a season where butterfly dance through wind in ease,
While dear old Fingy dwells in peace twilling his time in pleasantries to behold,
FishFingy, a fish fairy ever so pearly and she glows in Tobbot fragrance in soft petal
Skin so fluid with silk,,a dolphin-dale of sister earth she is ,
Sailing in the Fair Isles inside Fingy’s Lite Mall ,
Marvel is the scene around the house of Dingy.’

And so a poem goes written by Bingy.

This story is complexly fictionally, any resembles to any real life characters is by accident. Ha, ha… on a serious note, I wrote this story a decade ago and it’s inspired by reading my favourite Lore - The Lord of the Rings.
You can read what I wrote about the Lord of the Rings by the literary genius JJR Tolkein here...


The main character of Fingy is akin to Bilbo Baggins and the allusion to Fingy’s adventure else ever is akin to Bilbo Baggin’s adventure written about in the book, ‘The Hobbit’
I hoped you enjoyed my attempt to write a Lore myself…

Good Day happy weekend.

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