Ann and the tower house

She woke up with a force like who had just had a nightmare, opening her eyes to see the room she was lying in, she realized it wasn't a nightmare but her reality replaying in her dreams.

Fear gripped her mind, she could feel her legs shaking on the strong bed.

She looked around the room and didn't find anyone, she tiptoed to the window to have a grasp of where she was, it wasn't her room and the room looked dead and haunty.


From the window view, she was in the middle of nowhere and the tower house was the biggest she had ever seen even in movies.

Ann remembered she was at the anniversary party of her parents when she got a false call that led her to some random people who got a hold of her and took her away.

The fear was so much that she passed out on their way to the tower house, she had no idea how she got to the place but she was so determined to escape to go meet her parents.

Everywhere seemed quiet, too quiet that she thought she was the only one in the big tower. The thought of it almost crippled her.

Being a strong willed girl as her mum had always referred to her as, Ann took the door way to escape from her unknown enemies.

It was midday outside, an addition to her conviction that she would find a way out before night fall. Ann walked quietly with a long stick in her hand as she walked along the hall way.

The place looked like it had been abandoned for years, everything she came across looked creepy and gave her chills. She only wished to find a way out before she burst into tears.

She walked for what seemed like an hour and realized she had been walking round circles, the place was too big to come out of.

Ann made a sad sigh, she knew she was lost in a unknown place and she could only wish she finds her way somehow no matter how long it was going to take her.

She kept walking but this time around, taking a different path to all the tunnels she came across. She realized she had made progress as she walked into a big hall with old chandeliers and stair cases, it was like a party had happened there decades ago.

Ann smiled when she saw a door which she supposed was a way out of the weird tower. She ran towards it but just as she was about open the door, she heard a sound from another door.

It was a very creepy sound, Ann knew it was trying to get her attention to not go through the door she was closer to. She got confused.

She had to make a quick decision on which door to go through as she heard her enemies voices coming close to the hall. Ann went for the door close to her and she opened it to find a bigger hall.

She couldn't go back to use the other door that gave a creepy sound, she had to use another door she saw in the bigger hall, Ann found herself outside down the High Tower where she had been locked in.

She was free but had no idea where to follow as their were Bush paths everywhere. She decided to follow the motor trail she noticed, it must have been the route they used in bringing me in... So she thought.

Ann ran as fast as her legs could carry her and just as she was about getting to the roadside to scream for help, a convoy of police cars came to the place.

Her parents came out of one of the cars and rush to hug her happily. Ann could feel her heart calming down as she felt safe.

It was later found out that the guys were caught and arrested, they confessed to have kidnapped her with the hope of making money from her parents which was unsuccessful thanks to Ann's bravery.


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