The Senator's Son | The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #122

In the cozy and warm clubhouse, the air was buzzing with chit chats and excitement as everyone enjoyed their drinks glued to their hands. The dimming light gives the interior a chilling and welcoming atmosphere.

At the middle of the arranged table setting is Ivy high spirited young lady known so well for revealing the latest scuttlebutt. With his close friend Franklin, a handsome dope who seeks scuttlebutt like he's been paid for every rumour he hears was deeply engaged with Ivy's whispers. As they dined together enjoying their tasteful glass of red wine.

"Franklin, I have the lastest scuttlebutt for you but you know how we roll, you have to pay some dollar bills for me to reveal what I have in stock," Ivy said with a naughty smile.

"Come girl, we don't have to do this all the time you know, spill it already and I will get this table filled with more drinks. You know how my ears itch, don't only tell, demonstration would make the gist fun filled."

Whispering to Franklin's ears she said "The news in town right now is that the senator's son eloped with his low life girlfriend."

"That can't happen, tell me more please."

"The one that got the camel moaning was that this girl is the cobbler's daughter, isn't that too hard to believe?"

"Of course it is. Love has a way of with people of the elite class, I wonder about the coastal land they will be hiding now, professing love to one another. Hold on a sec, how did you come about this news?"

"Oh come on Franklin, you should know me better by now. I have a nose for scuttlebutt and I get my facts right. I have my little dove which gets me all the information I need."

In shock, he asked "Interesting. to ice the cake, I need to know more about this little gentle dove."

"Alright, Johnson the senator's gardener revealed that to me."

"I know you have an eye for the senator's son but unfortunately most times those we look at don't notice we exist. How sure are you about this information?"

"I trust me when I say you should believe all Johnson had said but to make the matter more top-notch, we have to dig more truth by trailing the senator's son like a plague."

"Ivy, in as much as this sound adventurously, I will suggest you back off from this. Have you thought of what if all these are lies and just rumours? Your life would be in danger because I'm not going that lane with you."

"I have always known you to be a fearful type. I still wonder how I got myself missed up with someone like you as a friend. You aren't supportive."

"Do you have to say all these to me, lower your voice. All eyes are on you. OMG!!! Guess who we have in the club house!!!!!?"

Turning to the direction of where Franklin's eyes were, the handsome senator's son dressed in his hot blue suit together with a beautiful lady to compliment his class walked into the clubhouse.


Everyone turned their attention to their direction as their dressings were enough to leave everyone engaged. Everything about these two creatures captivated everyone in the club. As everyone rinsed their eyeballs in shock, they majestically made their way into the first-class reserved corner table and chairs.

"Ivy, I think Johnson the Gardner, your little dove lied to you this time. The beautiful lady with him doesn't meet the standard of a cobbler's daughter. Besides, I know the cobbler's daughter in person. Your quest for scuttlebutt would one day put you in trouble."

"Spare me that cock and bull talk. I just can't sit here for an extra sec, my mood is shattered."

"Oh sorry baby girl, accept this guy is too hot to notice you. I'm out of here, you can wait and just maybe he might leave that beautiful damsel and notice you. Wait!, who knows the story might end up being The senator's son dumped his hot girlfriend or finance for Ivy, the…" He said sarcastically as he stood to leave the club house awaiting Ivy to grab her bag.

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