The Secret Trade -| The Ink Well Fiction Prompt 126

In the bustling market, a seagull gracefully soared above the crowd, unnoticed by the bustling townspeople as they bought and sold their goods. The king called for a meeting where all the villagers had gathered.

"Let this serve as a gentle reminder that we do not condone any form of killing or sacrificing of creatures. Anyone caught will face the same consequences as those before them," the king declared.

This law granted freedom to all living creatures in the village. However, Ima, well-versed in the community's rules, smuggled seagulls in a specially designed box.

"Friend, the city you are heading to has placed a ban on the caging and slaughtering of animals. I advise you to set those creatures free before entering the village," the driver warned.

"Business like this is only for the wisest. I have been in this trade for years, and I assure you, I can make great sales without anyone suspecting a thing," Ima responded confidently.

"Good luck with your venture. I cannot drive you further. This is how far I can go; I do not wish to involve myself," the driver said, dropping him off and leaving.

Ima managed to enter the village unnoticed. Along his journey, he encountered Mr. Joe, and his instincts urged him to approach him.

"I have a business proposal for you, with a substantial reward if you accept," he said enticingly.

Curious, Mr. Joe inquired, "What is the business deal?"


Ima narrated the scheme persuasively, and they both embraced the secret. Mr. Joe began the hidden market for those seeking seagulls for sacrifices, catering to those who desired such offerings but lacked the means to acquire them.

"You are not a true friend! You have been engaged in this business without informing me. I have secretly yearned for a seagull for my sacrifice to the goddess," Joe's friend criticized him.

"Dear friend, birds of a feather flock together. I have been selective with my friends since I embarked on this venture. I know those in genuine need, but now that you've made your desire known, I will arrange one for you," Mr. Joe reassured.

Unknown to them, Idris, Mr. Joe's son, had been eavesdropping from a hidden corner, shocked and disappointed by his father's involvement in such sacrilege.

Determined, Idris decided to spy on his father to discover where the seagulls were hidden. It was 10 p.m., and the road was dark and quiet, devoid of any passersby. Mr. Joe believed he was the king of the road, unaware that his own son was following him.

Though Idris sensed being followed, he saw no one and regained his confidence, thinking he was truly the road's ruler. Eventually, he got to his destination and cautiously made his way inside the bush track. As soon as his dad entered the dense forest, Idris soul urged him to rush back home, knowing that the seagull was hidden there.

Idris hurried to the palace and reported the incident to the king, who initially doubted his father's involvement due to his position as an elder in the chief council. However, the king had complete trust in Idris.

Ima, having left the village to source more seagulls from the city, had no knowledge of the events unfolding. The king organized a group of guards to wait in ambush at the designated spot for Mr. Joe's arrival.

Confidently, Mr. Joe emerged from the bush, clutching five cartons filled with seagulls. On his second step onto the road, a voice interrupted him.

"Surrender, for your cup is full," one of the guards commanded.

He was caught and taken to the palace, where he confessed and mentioned the identities of all his customers involved in the illegal trade. The villagers were shocked to learn about their compliance in breaking the community's rules, motivated by greed and the desire for wealth through dubious means.

Meanwhile, news of the incident reached Ima on his way back with more seagulls. He swiftly returned to the city, evading any attempts to locate him. Although Ima managed to escape punishment, Mr. Joe and those involved faced the consequences of their actions, serving as a lesson in the dangers of greed and the pursuit of ill-gotten wealth.

In the busy market, the seagull continued to glide above, unnoticed by the bustling town, as life in the village resumed with a renewed commitment to upholding the rules that granted freedom to all living creatures.

               THE END

I AM @marynn,
. šŸŒ¹

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