The Apartment - The Ink Well Fiction Prompt 111

Weird sounds could be heard in the kitchen. Dishes crashing against each other, spoons on each corner of the kitchen and the sink was filled to the brim with contaminated water. The whole apartment was a mess. James had made payment for the apartment but was regretting his decision as he tried to tidy up the kitchen in anger.

He stood in the middle of the apartment wondering why the former occupant would have left the apartment without the thought of cleaning before they departed.

As he stood wondering which section of the room he would start with as he had left the kitchen undone. The apartment looked like an abandoned place. The floors were unkempt, the smell from the kitchen was unbearable, the painted walls were stained with different colors. The sight of all these got him wondering where to start from.

"This is terrible and unexpected!" James said to himself. "

Just after muttering those ways, his door alarm rang and he went out to find out.

"Greetings, I'm miss Kate, my apartment the house painted white over there, I am your neighbor." She said while pointing to the house.

"Ooh, nice to meet you Mrs Kate. I'm James, your new neighbors."

Mrs Kate saw how messy the apartment looked. "We all need a little help sometimes and I can see you are in need of one right now and I am ready to be of service." "May I if you don't mind ?". She offered to help him clean up the apartment.

James was shocked at her kindness but he had no choice but to accept her offer. Together, they began the cleaning. While James worked on parts that were more messy like the overflowing wastes, the sink and removing of cobwebs, Mrs Kate assisted in the mobbing of the floor and cleaning the windows.

While working, they chatted, got to know themselves better. The apartment which was in mess when James came in was beginning to look different and they weren't even done.


At last, after hours of much effort, the apartment was looking neat and new. James couldn't believe his eyes. He was so grateful to Mrs Kate for helping out.

After she left the apartment, James sat on his couch and looked around his clean apartment. He felt welcomed knowing he has someone in the environment who he could call a friend. He was grateful she helped her out through the mess.

                    THE END

I AM @marynn,

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