Obstruction -| The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #146

"There is no way you will go to that music school again. You don't belong there no matter how hard you try to make things work," Mrs. Allison expressed her frustration to her son.

"Mum, Dad supported my dream of becoming a musician. Every time we argue about this, it reminds me of Dad and how supportive he was," Mike responded.

"You have spent years in music school with nothing to show for it. The last piano your dad bought for you before his deep sleep, all on the day of supporting your dream, got stolen by someone who knew its usefulness."

"Mum, try not to bring that up! You like making me angry unnecessarily," he spoke angrily and excused himself.

Mike and his mum had been living like cats and dogs since the death of his father, who had been the only supporter of his dream.

Lying comfortably on his bed with his eyes glued to his phone screen, Mike's notifications buzzed, and he viewed a message from his friend Gosh.

"Hey Mike, have you seen this new music academy? They are offering scholarships, and I feel maybe you would be interested."

"Thanks so much, but the problem now will be my mum. You know how she hates me chasing this dream, and you know how I hate studying law. How do I go about going for this training if I get the chance?"

"Your mum would be happy you got selected, and then approve your departure."

"I know my mum; she can be so bent on what she hates. My intuitions can't lie to me."

Gosh and Mike discussed how to go about it if he gets selected. While Gosh kept on insisting he should inform his mother about it, Mike's plan was to depart secretly without his mum knowing his whereabouts.

One day, while eating at the dinning with his mum, he asked, "Mum, would you sponsor my music career after my law degree?"

"Once you acquire your degree, your next focus should be your master's."

"Okay, what about if I get a scholarship to study in an academy? Will you let me go? Or be happy for me?"

"Mike, enough! We are dining. Table manners, please," this was her only way to stop Mike from talking about music.

After a long wait for feedback from the music academy to no avail, Mike decided to take the thought off his mind and focus on his final examination.


The tension and anxiety his final exam gave him made him forget all about the music pursuit, though his passion never died. One day while sitting in a restaurant awaiting his pasta to be ready, his eyes were fixed on a piano in the store; his intuition told him to try something with the piano. Instantly he rose from his seat and approached the waitress.

"Ma, can I play this piano? Seeing this exact piano reminds me of the first gift I received from my dad. I lost it the exact day I took it to school, and seeing this now brings back memories."

"Go ahead; after I last saw my first employee, I have not seen a good pianist to keep my customers entertained."

Immediately, he picked the piano, dusted off the dirt, and restored the instrument, and gradually he began playing to the rhythm everyone in the restaurant enjoyed. They felt deeply to the lines and in the spirit of the sounds. After playing, he bowed and returned to take his pasta.

"That was a nice rendition. We are from the East but came to this city for a music performance. Would you like to join our team? You would make a great addition and add great advantage to our academy," Mr. John and his colleagues tried to convince Mike.

He accepted the offer and assured them he would respond before the deadline. He returned home with a great smile on his face. Mrs Allison was shocked, as she had never seen her son in such a happy mood. She inquired about the reason behind that, and in the same spirit of joy, he quickly aired the news to his mum whose facial expression transformed to anger and sadness.

All efforts to convince his mum of his intuition's potential for a successful music career were unsuccessful.
He had no choice but to involve his friend Gosh, who supported his idea of leaving the city without his mum's awareness.

It was in the evening; his mum had left for the grocery store to get some stuff in the market when Mike packed a few of his dresses and made his way to meet his team members. It was a dream to his mum when she returned, and Mike was nowhere to be found.

Mike was happy for the opportunity, although he was tense and curious of what his first performance would look like but at the same time, he was ready to display his skill and talent. His first performance was excellent even beyond his expectations, far beyond what his team expected. Their happiness grew even more, and as they kept on singing, top organizations began inviting them for performances.

Mike's mom had made all the necessary inquiries she could make to know Mike's whereabouts to no avail. Since then, she had been living in isolation and expected that one day Mike would return.

After a few years of fame and recognition, in an unexpected afternoon, he returned to his family's house, and his mum was shocked and happy to see her son returning. She embraced him and was very excited to have seen him again. After a well-spent moment with his mum, he gushed to her about his success in the music industry, and his mother, who once despised the career, was proud of her son.

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