Wall Of Treasure Or Woe

Photo by Matt Hardy:

Lisa was a successful adventurer and explorer. She has explored several countries of the world in her quest to find hidden treasures and artifacts. This time she set out to find the ancient treasure hidden deep within the ruins of an old castle in far away Afric.

After a long drive on a dusty road, she arrived at her destination, a long abandoned castle rumoured to have been owned by one of Africa's richest men who was long dead but not forgotten. She got out of the jeep and bid farewell to her chaffeur. Then she made her way into the castle.

Struck by its imposing facade and crumbling stone walls. She entered fearlessly into the castle. Its interior was dark and ominous. Its passageways were so narrow that at some point Lisa had to walk past by slanting her shoulders.

Deeper and deeper she ventured into the castle, a sense of unease began to wash over her. The silence and loneliness within was oppressive. She steadily gasped for air.

Finally, she reached a chamber with a large stone table in the center. A feeling of dread washed over her as she approached the table, her footsteps echoing on the cold dusty stone floor. Ontop the stone table were large ancient inscriptions which Lisa translated to mean.

"Keeper of treasures or woe. Your answer, your fate."

She gradually pushed the top open to reveal a mysterious object, covered in dust. Victoria brushed the dust aside, revealing a golden orb, glowing with an unearthly light. Lisa knew that was the treasure. She smiled and turned around to leave.

But suddenly, the orb began to pulsate, forcing Lisa to throw it faraway. Then a blinding light from the orb filled the chamber, forcing Lisa to shield her eyes from the light. Then out of the orb popped out a genie. Lisa kept looking in confusion at what was going on. The genie looked at Lisa with kind eyes, and spoke in a soft soothing voice.

"Greetings young adventurer." The genie coughed and then continued. "Shining before you is the keeper of this treasure you seek," the genie said. "I must say, I'm impressed to see someone here after years of my masters death. But before you can claim the treasure, you must first pass a test. Remember your answer, your fate" the genie repeated the inscription in the stone.

Lisa, who was fidgeting at this point, only managed to nod. "What kind of test?" she asked.

"You must answer my question," the genie replied. "A question to test your wisdom. To know If you're worth the wealth I hold. I'm ready whenever you're ready?" The genie gave a wicked smile.

Lisa took a deep breath, feeling a sense of determination bottled with fear. "I'm ready," she said.

The question is this: What is the most powerful force in the universe?" the genie asked.

Lisa thought for a moment, considering the various forces that shape the world. Then with all confidence she said "Love, love is the only force that can overcome any obstacle, and unite even the most divided groups."

"A wise answer," the genie said, smiling. "You have answered the questions with great wisdom. Others would have answered from the scientific point of view but you, you chose wisdom. You may now claim the treasure. But remember, handle this treasure with love"

Ending one:

Immediately the genie disappeared and everything returned to normal. Then the doors of the castle began to close up, trying to trap her inside. Lisa quickly picked up the orb and ran all the way out of the castle. Jumping over obstacles and fallen bricks. Before the door would close up Lisa took her last jump and found herself outside the castle.

Once outside the castle, she collapsed to the floor as she tried to regain her breath. Then a warm smile filled her face, yet again she has succeeded in her quest.

Ending two:

As the genie disappeared, Lisa felt a sense of panic and despair. The stone walls began closing in on her. The castle doors started closing up trying to trap Lisa inside. Immediately, Lisa made for the door. She ran as fast as she could hoping to escape before the door closed up. But before she could get to the door it was already late. Lisa was trapped in the castle with the orb and nothing but hope for survival.

Days turned into weeks, and Lisa's despair worsened. But she would not let her fate be decided by some doors. She began to explore the castle, searching for a way out. She found secret passages and hidden chambers, but no matter where she went or which door she passed through, the all seemed to lead her back to the same place.

Lisa never found her way out. Myth has it that her ghost now haunts the castle and any other person that comes for the treasures.

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