The Vacation

Photo by Uriel Castellanos:

In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, Alicia had just returned from a life's dedicated mission of saving the magnificent wildlife that the lush paradise had been their home for a very long time. Alicia was a fearless conservationist, she fiercely fought against poachers, she risked her own safety to make sure that she protected and tried to restore the delicate balance of nature deep in the Amazon.

After a year of tireless efforts, Alicia was exhausted so she decided it was time to take a well deserved break. She sought solace in a foreign land filled with mysteries. A land nestled in the heart of Africa called Kelp Gull. And so Alicia embarked on a journey to the small African town.

Nestled between the vast savannas and the shimmering azure coastline, Kelp Gull was a hidden gem. After hours above sea level, Alicia arrived at her destination. She stayed at a hotel she had booked to ease her jet lag for the day. And as early as possible the next morning, after a goodnight rest, Alicia ventured into this new world, ready for the adventure.

She couldn't help but marvel at the stunning beauty of Kelp Gull, the landscape, the shoreline and the warm smiles of its beautiful people. But it was not long before the dark secret beneath this enchanting façade changed her motive for being there.

One sunny morning, while wandering along the golden sands of the seashore, at a far corner a group of men huddled around something hidden in a tattered old box. Out of curiosity she approached cautiously, only to find herself horrified by the contents within. Trapped and scared, were the majestic seagulls, wings bound.

"Why are you doing this?" Alicia asked out of anger, in her eyes were pity for these defenseless creatures.

The men turned to face her, the eyes a mix of surprise at her question. "You must be new to this town huh?" one of the men asked "These birds bring luck, Ma'am," one of them replied gruffly pointing to the poor birds. "Foreigners pay handsomely to have them. Look, It's good business." Waving a bundle of cash across Alicia's face.

Alicia felt a rush of anger, but she tried her best to hold her composure. She looked around and it felt like a market for seagulls as boxes with trapped seagulls were all over the place.

These magnificent birds are heading towards extinction with this trade. Right there she knew she couldn't let this barbaric practice continue any longer. With steely resolve, Alicia embarked on a mission to save the seagulls from extinction. What was once a vacation for her turned out to be work.

Gradually but determined, Alicia spoke to the locals on the wonders of these birds and the dire effect of their exploitation.

Slowly but steadily, support from like-minded individuals who believed in protecting their natural heritage trooped in.
Word of her spread too, and she faced challenges from people who profited from the trade. Ofcourse she wasn't new to facing challenges as this in her line of work.

Alicia found an unexpected ally in a wise young man named Jomo. Jomo came from a lineage of people who had fought against the sale of seagulls. He wasn't ready to give up the fight in his time.

And so with Jomo's unwavering support, Alicia intensified her campaign, reaching out to the international communities and raising awareness. In return she got messages of solidarity and support from across the globe, adding to her strength.

Alicia organized a grand event, inviting locals and tourists. She made them see and celebrate the beauty of Kelp Gull and the remarkable beauty the sea gulls bring.

With so much spotlight on her cause, the Kelp Gull government were pressured to take action against the sale of seagulls. Strict laws were made to protect the sea gulls, and anyone caught in the trade was made to face the wrath of the law.

Gradually, as the final box was closed, and the last illegal trade of seagulls ended. Alicia stood on the shoreline, looking out at the ocean. She knew she had won the battle in Kelp Gull, but her work as a conservationist was just beginning.

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