The Last Seed

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"What have you got for me?" King Arthur demanded, storming into his laboratory, his brow furrowed with anger, his voice echoing off the laboratory walls

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," his lead scientist stammered. "Our last experiment hit a dead end. We're still trying to find a solution to the famine."

"I know of the last experiment. I meant the latest?!" King Arthur inquired, looking desperate.

"Still not yielding results, Your Majesty"

King Arthur's eyes narrowed in frustration. "Well, keep trying! Find me something. A solution, anything!" he barked, his voice laced with impatience. "We cannot afford to fail". Speaking to the lead scientists. "Our people are depending on us."

"Yes, Your Majesty," they muttered in unison, their hands shaking as they fumbled with their equipment.

"Such incompetence!" King Arthur added as he turned to leave, his heart heavy with worry, he wondered if they would ever find the answer he sought so desperately. But all the same, he was certain he would not rest until his people had their fill, even if it meant pushing his scientists to the brink of madness. He took a deep breath and wished again that the apocalypse never happened.

The apocalypse has left the world scavenging for habitable galaxies and in the galaxies found habitable by humans, resources were scarce. Hunger and famine loomed on the land.

In all,there were four galaxies. The farmers Terra Verde galaxy, the Celestia galaxy, the Nova Prince galaxy and the wealthiest of them all, the Luxoria Galaxy where the brutal King Arthur ruled.

Just as King Arthur got to the door, the lead scientist hesitantly yelled.

"Your Majesty, if I may speak" he began, his voice trembling slightly.

King Arthur stopped and looked back at him, with a countenance that asked him to continue.

"There's a rumour... about a seed."

"A seed?" he questioned, "What about this seed?" intrigue flickering in his eyes.

"It's called the 'Last Hope of Mankind.' the scientist continued, his hands wringing nervously. " It's said to have been recently discovered in the farmers galaxy, Terra Verde galaxy."

"What does this seed do?" King Arthur's interest clearly piqued, his curiosity biting deep.

"It's rumoured to have the ability to germinate edible food in barren land,"

To his guards "Get the ship ready, we're going to the Terra Verde galaxy immediately," he commanded, his tone firm. Then he pointed to the lead scientist "You're coming with me".

Upon entering the Terra Verde galaxy by King Arthur and his entourage, like a hawk swooping down on its prey, King Arthur demanded an audience with the leader of the Terra Verde galaxy, his eyes ablaze with greed.

"I am the leader of this humble galaxy" a feeble looking man emerging from the crowd said. "To what do we owe this visit".

"I am King Arthur of Luxoria," he declared, his voice echoing across the land. "I have come for the seed known as the 'Last Hope of Mankind. Hand it over"

There was silence and a huge murmur from the people of Terra Verde. Then the leader of the Terra Verde raised his hands to silence his people. Then he spoke,

"We cannot give you the seed, it is the hard work and inheritance deserving of my people" he stated firmly, his voice carrying the weight of generations of hardship. "But I tell you what, we will send you a portion of our harvest, just as we would other galaxies when the time comes, and of course for a token."

"Then, maybe, I'll take it by force," King Arthur threatened, already enraged by his refusal.

But before he could act, his general called out to him.

"Your Majesty, I've got a message for you from the King's of the Nova Prince galaxy and the Celestia galaxy. It just came in from the fax machine in our airship"

"And what does it say" angry to being interrupted at a time he wants to show his power.

"It's a warning to you, your majesty to cease your aggression on the Terra Verde galaxy, or face the combined might of their cosmic armies".

"And how did they get word of this"

"There are spies everywhere your majesty. I believe we have one too"

King Arthur went silent for a few seconds. War was the last thing he wanted for his people considering the famine in the land. Besides, even if he was to fight back, he didn't have the army to fight three galaxies at once. It was the first time he felt defeated but he didn't care as long as he avoided war.

"I'll wait for the harvest" he said to the Terra Verde leader who was all smiles by now.

King Arthur and his entourage returned to Luxoria, defeated, he kept on marvelling at the resilience of the humble farmers of Terra Verde.

Few months later, true to their word, when the harvest season arrived, the Terra Verde galaxy sent a portion of their bounty to Luxoria and of course for a token.

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