Pride Trip

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I knew Abigail from my days of Jamb lessons,but we weren't quite close. It was all a “good evening” situation between us, and we proceeded to our various seats. Never did I know that I would meet her again in university and as coursemates too.

I remember how I sat in the lecture hall listening to the lecturer yell on top of his voice that particular sunny day as she walked into the class. And just as I had known her, she walked with this grace sprinkled with pride. I smiled. I've always seen her as that girl who knows her worth.

“I know that girl,” I remember telling Michael as Abigail walked by.

“Oga, that's the richest girl in our class. I'm sure she doesn't do your type. So no try using that kind of scope on her; e no go work (don't use that line to try and woo her, because it won't work)." Michael replied in his mischievous manner.

“Who's trying to woo who?. Are you okay?” I fired back at him. “I know that girl from the Jamb lesson I attended. She was in the same class as me,” I added.

“I don hear so. (I've heard)"

“I'll talk to her after class.”

And just as I said, after the lecture, I walked up to her, and without any introduction, she quickly recognised me and gave me a hug. Right from that day on, we built an inseparable friendship. We spoke for hours on the phone and walked home together after class. It was all smooth and sweet until I began to notice that her pride wasn't sprinkled but of a large portion. She bragged about almost everything and anything. It was so serious that it made her look down on others, talk rudely to everyone, and belittle anybody at the slightest chance she got. especially her own coursemates.

To worsen the situation, she proceeded to chase away anybody who dared come close to me whenever she was around. In her words

“Marriott, you're so open to these people, and I don't like it. You make yourself so available for them, which is so bad. One day, all this goodness with people will bring insults. I mean, you're better and bigger; why can't you place yourself in a place where you'll get the respect you deserve?”

I smiled and looked at her, then I replied, “We’re all equal. Nobody is better or bigger than anyone. So please stop chasing these people away whenever I'm around them, please." I said I was trying so hard to hide my anger with a smile.

“I've told you now o.”

Weeks turned to months, and Abigail continued being harsh on others. I began losing friends because they were scared Abigail might attack them with her words.
But I kept her around. Well, I thought I could change her. At least I tried changing her, but apparently she wasn't one that was ready for change. She loved herself and was so full of it.

It got to the point that even Michael started avoiding me. So I decided to distance myself from her entirely.
I guess she noticed and began asking me why I was so distant from her. I lied, saying that I was battling some family problems and needed some distance to think. I knew my answer didn't make sense, but I didn't care.

One day, while I sat inside a coursemate's tricycle with Michael after a long day of classwork and tests, we were so famished, and I had little cash with me, so Michael opted to go buy some snacks for the both of us with his cash while I waited for him inside the tricycle.

Just as he left, I saw Abigail approach, and immediately she saw me and joined me inside the tricycle. We talked about how the class test was too difficult and how we both tackled it. It was all smooth, just the way it has been between us, until Michael came back, popping his head first into the tricycle door.

“Guy, those snacks we dey eat don add money, or do you get any cash there?" (Guy, our usual snacks have increased in price. Do you have any extra cash there)?” He asked me.

“Yeah, be like I still get small cash. (It seems like I still have a little cash left with me),” I answered, fondling my pockets.

Michael proceeded to greet Abigail. "Abi, how far? (Abi, how are you?)”

But instead of returning his greetings, Abigail attacked him: “Do you guys ever have money to buy what you need?. Always asking others for money,” she turned to me. “Well, you're the father Christmas that loves giving anytime they beg,” she added, sucking her teeth loudly.

That was the last straw on the camel's back for me, as I quickly flared up.

“Get out!” I ordered Abigail. I bit my teeth hard just to hold back the anger. Yet, the look on my face was not inviting at all. I have never felt such anger in a long time.

“Who?” She asked me, probably surprised at my reaction.

“You! You, of course, Abigail! I said, Get out of this place now, before I lose it, and trust me, you don't want to see that other side of me.”

Michael just stood there, looking at me with a smirk on his face. He was probably enjoying my reaction.

“Are you for real?” She asked, shock laced in her voice.

"Yes, I am. The person you're attacking is actually the one buying snacks for the both of us with his money. He just asked for a little cash from me to add up." I got up and walked to the other side of the tricycle. I helped Abigail get down just to fasten her exit. “Until you learn to respect people, then maybe we can be friends. But for now, go find someone who can tolerate your selfish attitude.”

That ended my friendship with Abigail. Till today, we barely talk, only about things that really needed to be talked about.

And oh, if you think that after such an incident she changed her attitude, then you're part of the clique that believes in politicians and their manifestos.

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